"The very same."

Harry looked at Albus's twinkling eyes and knew that he was missing something important.

"And he is coming to teach me?"

"Well, he is coming to give you a lecture. Whether you learn something is up to you."

"But... the man was hopeless at teaching Defense!"

Albus shrugged noncommittally.

Harry narrowed his eyes at the man. It had taken a few more annoying "teachable moments", but he had finally come to recognize the signs of Albus playing a prank that only works if Harry refused to ask questions. Asking questions did not come naturally to Harry, but he was willing to deal with the unnatural feeling of leaving his comfort zone, mainly because Albus made sure the level of annoyance of staying quiet was always rather high.

"OK. The man is an obvious fraud, and you wouldn't waste my time with an incompetent teacher. So... what are you planning?"

Albus smiled warmly at Harry. "That is an excellent question, Harry. You have come a long way over this past month. I will gladly tell you the plan."

Harry felt a surge of warmth fill his heart. Albus had not been stingy with praising Harry's progress (with asking questions, studying French, or attempts at wandless magic), but he had yet to become accustomed to unreserved compliments. He supposed that was also part of the reason why he didn't much mind leaving his comfort zone by asking questions.

As he listened to Albus's explanation of the plan, he could not hold back his smile. Even better, Albus happily modified the plan based upon Harry's suggestions.

Shortly before lunch, Gilderoy arrived at the front gate. Jean met him and quickly led him to the study.

Albus smiled broadly, wearing his purple robes with stars and clouds drifting across the fabric. "Gilderoy, thank you for coming."

Gilderoy, wearing his powder blue robes, smiled brightly at Harry and Albus. Harry could honestly (though grudgingly) say that he could see why the man kept winning awards for his smile.

"Headmaster, it is wonderful to see you again. I was surprised to receive your letter, requesting my expert advice. You are a man with almost as many adventures under your belt as me. Ah, and young Harry, you must be feeling rather giddy to be in the presence of the two greatest names of the last century."

Harry forced a smile as he responded. "I can barely contain myself, Professor."

Gilderoy smiled and nodded in agreement. "Of course. Of course. Though, I am no longer your Professor, Harry. Feel free to call me Gilderoy. I am afraid I was pulled away on emergency business shortly before the end of the year. Sadly, I was unable to help with the dreadful business with the Chamber of Secrets when that poor... Wimbly girl was taken. Had the business not been so urgent, I would have of course saved her. Still, all's well that ends well, I suppose."

Harry nodded politely.

Albus chuckled as he responded. "And feel free to call me Albus. I am no longer a Headmaster, so I believe we are all friends here. And yes, young Miss Weasley was saved from the Chamber and all is well."

Gilderoy smiled with vacuous pleasure. "Wonderful, Albus. One cannot have too many friends. Now, you were pleasantly vague in your letter, so which topic can I advise you in today? Do you have a nasty monster to track? A dark wizard needing to be vanquished?"

Albus took a seat as he gestured for other two to take their own seats. "Nothing quite so dangerous, I am happy to report. Rather, the first thing I need is your expertise as a writer."

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