Chapter 1

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One autumn day, everything changed. The leaves changed color, as any ordinary autumn cycle, but that wasn't the only thing that changed. Nikki walked home from another exasting, hurtful day of school. Her feet crunched as she walked on the autumn leaves falling down from the trees, it smelt of dew grass. Nikki's backpack was kinda heavy, from all of her drawings. The small breeze was just enough to give chills to Nikki. Nikki was wearing a tribal mini dress with a white cardigan on top. She met a pebble road and walked up it,  stopped only a couple times to take photos of birds, flowers and animal tracks to draw. When she met the end of the little pebble road, a beautiful white and blue house was yet to be noticed, so far away from the beginning of the road. She walked up the steps to the front door, and grabbed her key out of her colorful polka dotted backpack. Looked behind her for about twenty seconds, as if someone was following her. Then, unlocked the door so she could get inside her house. She took off her Minnetonka shoes, and placed them on the mat. She brought her backpack upstairs, went through the hallway and past the pink door ( her younger sister's, Emily) Nikki's was the one with her name in sparkly aqua. Her room was straight, messy things disturbed her, like the girl's bathroom at her school.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2015 ⏰

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