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Bruce arrives at the diner as Hulk. He sits down and orders a big plate of eggs and some other things.

"Come on, I feel like I'm the only one eating here. Try some of that. Have some eggs." Bruce gestured.

"I'm so confused." Scott says staring at Hulk.

"These are confusing times." Bruce speaks with a slight chuckle in his voice.

"Right, no, no. That's not what I meant." Scott says shifting.

"Nah, I get it. I'm kidding!" Bruce says pouring syrup. "I know, it's crazy. I'm wearing shirts now." He says showing us his shirt.

"Yeah. What? How? Why?" Scott asks.

"Five years ago, we got our asses beat. Except it was worse for me..." He says wiping his mouth. "'cause I lost twice. First Hulk lost, then Banner and then, we all lost."

"No blamed you, Bruce." Natasha says.

"I did. For years, I've been treating the Hulk like he's so kind of disease, something to get rid of. But then, I started looking at him as the cure. Eighteen months in the gamma lab. I put the brains and the brawn together and now, look at me. Best of both worlds." Bruce explains. Two boys and a girl come up.

"Excuse me, Mr. Hulk?" The little girl said.

"Yes." Hulk says.

"Can we get a photo?" She asks.

"100%, little person." Hulk says taking her phone. "Come on, step up. Do you mind?" He says trying to get them situated and handing Scott the phone.

"Yeah, yeah." Scott mumbles.

"Thanks." Bruce says posing. "Say, "green."

"Green!" They all say in unison. "Did you get that?" Hulk asks Scott.

"That's a good one." Scott says. "Did you want to grab one with me? I'm Ant-Man." Scott says.

"This is awkward." I whisper.

"They're Hulk fans. They don't know Ant-Man. Nobody does." Scott says handing her her phone back.

"No, he wants you to take a picture with him." Bruce says.

"I don't want a picture." Scott says lying.

"Stranger danger." One boy says.

"Yeah, look, he's even saying no, he doesn't." Bruce says smiling.

"I get it." Scott says.

"But come on. The kid..." Hulk starts.

"I don't want a picture with them." Scott says still lying through his teeth.

"He's gonna feel bad. They're happy to do it. They said they'll do it." Hulk tries to explain.

"I don't want to do it." He says still lying when he can just take the picture.

"We can do it." The other little boy said.

"No, you feel bad." Hulk said.

"Take the goddamn phone." Scott says handing them her phone.

"Okay." Hulk said.

"Thank you, Mr. Hulk." The girl said.

"No, it was great, kids. Thank you very much." Hulk says. "Hulk out!" Bruce and the kids says before the kids walk away. "Dab." Hulk does as he dabs.

"Bruce." Cap says trying to get his attention.

"Listen to your mom." Bruce says as his voice raises. "She knows better."

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