"You're free to go whenever you are ready. The healers provided you with some basic healing last night but found nothing wrong that couldn't be solved by rest and a good diet. Are you ready now?"

Harry stood and stretched. "Let me use the loo, and I'll be ready."

Albus smiled. "Feel free to use the shower while you are in there. I'll clean up here, take care of the paperwork, send Fawkes and Hedwig on to my residence, and we'll be prepared to head on off. I'm thinking we can have a nice breakfast, then make you a large fortune off the basilisk carcass, and finally end the day's activities with causing light psychological damage to be inflicted upon the Dursleys."

Harry couldn't help but whistle a happy tune as he took a languid shower.

After an excellent meal at a non-magical restaurant, where Harry ate in silent contemplation, Albus took them to a small village that Harry did not recognize. As they walked down the street, Harry was surprised to note that village was primarily populated by goblins.

"Albus, where are we?"

"Well, Harry, based on the residents you've seen, I'm sure you would easily guess that the village's name is a word in Gobbledegook. Am I correct in assuming you cannot speak the language?"

"Yes sir"

"Ah, in that case, then allow me to teach your first words in Gobbledegook."

Over the next ten minutes, Harry practiced reciting a string of rough guttural sounds. Harry was pleased by his progress, as the few goblins he passed smiled in response to his attempts.

"Excellent, Harry. When we meet my contact, bow and say, 'Thank you for welcoming me to' and then repeat what I taught you."

Harry nodded, as they stopped in front of a building that smelled strongly of death and beasts. Albus conjured a bench near the door and indicated for Harry to join him. Harry sat down, wondering why they were waiting outside the building.

"How are you feeling Harry? Do you feel well rested, fed, and mentally relaxed?"

Harry looked sideways at Albus with curiosity. "Yes, I feel fine. Why?"

Albus sighed and looked straight forward towards the horizon. "I am sure you are aware of this, but fear tends to bring out the worst in people. When the students and staff were afraid being petrified themselves, they needed to blame someone and being a Parselmouth made you a convenient scapegoat. When you disappeared shortly after Miss Weasley, Minerva was terrified that she now had two student deaths on her hands. When you appeared, she became irrationally angry at you for making her feel that fear. It was reminiscent of times I have heard parents say, 'My child better be dead or injured, or I will kill him myself for making me worry'. Of course, it didn't help that your body language put her on the defensive by making it clear that you didn't seek help because you had no faith in the staff's ability to provide said help."

Harry's jaw tensed. "Is that supposed to excuse their behavior?"

Albus shrugged. "I am simply explaining the behavior, it is your choice to decide if the explanation excuses the behavior to your satisfaction. What I primarily wanted to tell you is that when the danger passes, the fear haze will lift, and people will find themselves thinking clearly again. A fair number of people will look back on their actions with shame and regret. While I don't know if your friend Ronald will repent, I do know that Minerva will have started regretting her actions within five minutes of arising this morning."

"Good! They should regret what they did to me! What is your point?"

"I could take you back to Hogwarts right this moment, and Minerva would certainly rescind your expulsion immediately. I could then press the Board and be reinstated within two days."

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