Chapter 1: The Beginning

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It all happened too fast, and the worst part is, I could have maybe, just maybe stopped it, but how? I just wish that we just stayed at school, not even have gone there. It seemed so risky, what the heck were they thinking. I can't believe that it all actually happened, it seemed like a dream, like it was all fake. It all just started with a stupid idea.

It began like this. My homeroom teacher announced that they would be having a 5 day field trip. The field trip was to Pennsylvania, to look at our latest topic, submarines. She gave us all a form, and told us that we didn't have to go to the field trip if we didn't want too. Of course, as usual when we have an event coming up, I get extremely excited.
I walked out to the lockers, when class ended, with my friend Callie.
I said to Callie,
" I am out of the house, no more craziness!"
She laughed at my joke.
"You going?" I asked Callie.
"Yeah, if my mom will allow it," she said unbelievably.
" I really hope she does, for me and you!" I said hopefully.
Callie has brown hair, she is short and likes to horse back ride.
Our teacher explained that the form was due next Thursday and our field trip was the following week on Monday, at 11:30. The bus would be taking us all the way to Pennsylvania. I'm not sure if it's legal to stuff us in a bus for at least 8 1/2 hours. But I was still excited. After class I asked Malin if he was going and he said maybe. Malin is my boyfriend and he is funny, sensitive, good at sports, e.t.c. He has dirty blonde/ blonde hair, blue eyes, wears hats a lot, and likes to play basketball and lacrosse. Everything you could see in a perfect person.
At recess he and I played one on one and I won.
After school I got my parents to sign my field trip form, I ripped out the chaperone part to the slip.
" You sure you want to do this?" My mother asked.
"Positive," I answered.
"Get packing, 'cause you're going!" She said cheerfully.
"Yay!" I screamed.
I started upstairs and got my stuff ready for the field trip.
I made a checklist:
6 pairs of each type of clothes
Something for the bus ride
That was my list. I put all of them in a red suitcase and brought it downstairs. The next day I put in my slip.

By then, it was Thursday. 4 days went by and that was the day of the field trip, yay 8 1/2 hours on the bus! Not. I took my suitcase when I got to school and put it in the luggage area. My other bag that had my phone, thing to play with on the bus, charger, coat, and a neck pillow, I kept with me for the ride. We all went to our homerooms and made a count of all the students.
Finally, our class left and I sat with Callie and Alicia, my best friends. Alicia is also a brunette, she loves taikwan do, and is obsessed with Egypt. We had to sit three people to a seat because there were so many people on the bus. They also couldn't afford another bus to take us all the way to Pennsylvania. Alicia and I just talked for the first 30 minutes to 1 hour. We talked about life and us going to Egypt, to figure out the secret of the pyramid Giza. Alicia just started to stare out the window and drifted asleep. I decided not to bother her. Callie and I were bored, so I started to just stare off into space. My eyes met Malin, he was sitting with Pete, and Chase, his friends. Apparently, they must have been talking about something funny, because he was doing the cute thing, when he cackle laughs.

After about an hour or 2, Alicia woke up. We had about 5 more hours, it was about 2:30. I slept most of the way there, 2 more hours pasted. Only 3 hours left! We stopped at a gas station to take a break and stretch shortly after I woke. After when we were getting on the bus they did a count and had everyone, 48 students, 6 people didn't come. Then, we went back onto the bus. For the next couple hours I played on my phone and texted my mother. Finally, we got to a sign that said 'Welcome To Pennsylvania'. Everyone started cheering. I asked Malin if he was excited. He said that he had an iffy feeling about it. Then, that made me think about our trip and I realized, I didn't feel so sure about it either. But I didn't tell him, because I didn't want to make him feel more iffy about it.

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