some stella/simon fluff i wrote ig 🙄

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Stella sighed to herself - today was one of those days. It was a day when Simon spent all his time locked up in his studio, overworking himself into the late hours of the night, before slipping into bed while Stella was asleep. Sometimes, when he was really motivated, he'd pull all-nighters, and he constantly forgot to eat and drink.

So, it was usually left up to Stella to look after him.

Usually, when she went in, Simon would acknowledge her, sometimes even have a small chat with her, before getting back to his work. He always did make the time he missed back up to her, whether it be through cuddles or going out somewhere, but sometimes, Stella still worried.

It was around lunch time, and Stella had come back from vocal training to check on how Simon was. The house was exactly how it was before she left a couple hours ago - which meant that Simon was either asleep, or still in his studio. Usually, it was the latter.

Quickly, she made herself and Simon some lunch, hoping to talk with him a little. She didn't mind Simon's creative outbursts, as she knew that's probably how Simon felt whenever she had rehearsals for an upcoming show. After those shows, Simon would always meticulously take care of her, doing whatever she asked him to, and most of the time, more.

She quietly entered the room, as Simon didn't like being startled in the middle of his work. It was around 1 o'clock, and he was carefully applying the first layer of paint to his newest piece. She couldn't really see his face as she was sat behind him, a pity. She'd love to see his cute concentrated face and the way his eyes lit up whenever he thought of something.

A couple minutes later, he was sat back on his stool, thinking deeply. Stella decided to take this chance to go up to him and gently press a long kiss one of his temples. He didn't notice at first, but when he did, a tired smile made it's way onto his face, and he leaned in to give her a hug.

"How long were you waiting?" he asked.

"Only couple of minutes, darling, don't worry." she softly replied.

"I'm so glad to see you...!"

"As I am with you.". Stella stroked his head for a little while, both of them staying silent. After a while, Simon broke away from the hug, smiling sweetly at her.

"I need your opinion on something, Stella."

"Go on.".

Simon pointed to his easel, "I feel like something is missing there. I'd like your opinion."

"Hmm..." she observed the half finished painting, as Simon eagerly waited her response, "Perhaps... Another flower vase? I'm not quite sure myself..."

"Yes, I suppose that would be sufficient." he yawned, making Stella notice the dark circles under his eyes, his messy hair, his bodies overall state, and thus, made a decision that Simon would probably not like.

"But before you start painting again, mister," she tapped him playfully on the nose, "you need sleep.".

"Stella..." he pouted like a small child, "I know, but please just let me paint for a little while longer. Please. I promise I'll make the time up, just like we usually do."

"I'm not concerned about that, darling, what I'm concerned about is your health." she cupped his face with her hands, speaking gently, "I wish for you to be with me for as long as you can, and a lack of sleep will surely prove bad for your long term health.".

That's it. That was Simon's weakness.

The kind words Stella spoke to him, how much she cares for him, her hands that softly caressed his face, all of it put him under an intoxicating spell. How could he say no to her?

And so, about 20 minutes later, Simon was in the bath, Stella scratching his scalp as bubbles foamed up and transformed Simon's hair from a dark brown to paper white. If not for Stella making conversation with him, gently singing songs to him, he was sure he would've fallen asleep then and there.

Not yet, though. After the bath and some other things related to Simon getting ready for bed were done, he clambered into bed, his beloved Stella by his side.

He missed her warmth, he missed hearing her heartbeat before he went to sleep, it reassured him that is anything were to happen, Stella would be there to comfort him.

Tenderly, Stella pressed a long kiss go his forehead, before allowing Simon to bury his face into the crook of her neck. Stella smelt nice, like honey, or lavender, or perhaps both. It lured Simon into a deep, dreamless sleep, and Stella not long after, even though she didn't intend to sleep herself.

By the time they both woke up, the sun had fallen and the moon shone through the gaps in the curtain - it wasn't unusual for this time of year. It was November, after all. Neither of them minded though. It wouldn't hurt to cuddle for a little while longer, right?

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