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1 month later

   "Lieutenant Christopher Bang" "Captain Han Ji-Sung" They salute the general and major general.

"You got new mission, near our border, we have been notified that 100 of dead bodies were found near the border, you got an order to execute the people living there, some terrorists lived there, i believe they held the lost prince as their hostage, but be careful since it is unprotected area, bring back our Prince safety if you make mistakes or disobey the orders there will be consequences, your squad will take off tomorrow, O will give you my 3 man"

"Me and my mans won't let you down" Chan said "That's the spirit.. Now dismissed" Chan and Jisung salute him once again before they leave "Captain Han" General called him back.

"Yes Sir" "How's your arm? Do you think you can go?" General ask "I'm fine sir, even if I'm still in pain i won't leave my team sir" General pat Jisung's shoulder while smiling a bit.

"Come home safely and don't get hurt" "Yes sir" Jisung salute the General once again and left.

{Time Skip}

"Jisung-ah can you go tomorrow?" Felix ask sharpening his knife "Of course.. I won't let you have fun without me" Jisung said while he punched the punching bag.

"Let me see the bruises" Hyunjin get down from the treadmill and walk towards Jisung, Jisung took off his shirt revealing his wound.

"You need to change the bandages" Hyunjin said as he took out the first aid kit box and change the bandages for him.

"Do you think we'll come home alive?" Felix asked looking at his sharp knife "Felix.. Will come home alive, I promise" Chan smile while getting up from his bed to rin on the treadmill too.

"Sleep early, we won't have a proper sleep on the forest, there are lots of bugs there" "Hyung you know bugs are nothing, you let us sleep next to a big snakes while we're Private(s) " Changbin nod at Hyunjin's word agreeing, Chan just laugh "Yeah Sorry about that"

(Private are the lowest rank in soldier)

"Hyung you should sleep too" Changbin said getting up from the bench press "I will join you guys later"

"I'm taking a shower first" Changbin took out his towel from his military duffle bag and quickly went out from their barrack before others could go.

(Barracks are built in military base, it is a place where army sleeps)

"I'm off to bed, so tired" Felix said laying on his bed, "I need sleeps" Hyunjin said "But first my night routine" Hyunjin take out his night cream and face masks, Hyunjin is that one friend who always care about his skin first

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"I'm off to bed, so tired" Felix said laying on his bed, "I need sleeps" Hyunjin said "But first my night routine" Hyunjin take out his night cream and face masks, Hyunjin is that one friend who always care about his skin first.

"Hyunjin-ah apply on my face too" Jisung said while laying on the bed "If you want come here and give me back my portable charger first" Hyunjin glared at his buddy "I'm good like this, goodnight" Jisung said turning off the lamp next to him.

"See? When i talk about my charger, he never want to give back" Hyunjin complain, Chan and Felix laugh.

{Next Day}

"We got on" Changbin shout while counting the army "What's your cruising altitude?" Jisung shout walking in the Chinook military helicopter, since the engine is so loud they need to shout when talking.

"That's a good question, well it must be above 10,000 feet if you're using 02" Chan shout back "Shit, the mountains we're flying over are 1,00,000 feet" Felix shout
"The sandstorm would ruin the engines and missile have been fired from the peaks" Hyunjin shout "Well, that put us to 20" Chan shout back, "You can't fly Chinook at 20,000 feet, Flight altitude's 25" The pilot shout "How is this thing take it?" Chan shout "We'll find out" The pilot shout back.

"We've got mask, but it's not working last time too" The pilot shout "Shit we're gonna go hypoxic" Felix said "Not me" Hyunjin shout "Keep your eyes on that fucker" Changbin said pointing at the pilot "We're going to the clouds gentlemen" The pilot shout, he close the door "No one's flown the chopper this high" Jisung shout "Strap in tight, we're taking off" The pilot shout again, while the others wear there seatbelts.

"Well you know why the soldiers use Chinook?" Changbin shout "Why?" Hyunjin ask "We'll be good and mad when we get into battle" They all laugh.

"Mission equipment is set, EOS, flare, chaff, 595 We're clear to takeoff" Pilot shout "Off we go gentlemen"

{Time Skip}

Alarm blaring, "Hang on.. 3 minutes out" The pilot shout "3 minutes get ready to jump off" Chan shout while the soldiers get up and ready themselves, the Chinook door opened, they all wear their mask, glasses and helmets

"Let's do this baby" Jisung shout while the others cheer "Alright see you down there mates" Felix said diving off the chopper, he's the first person to jumped off "Go go go go" Chan shout while the other more soldiers jump off the chopper, "Safe trip" Chan said before diving.

They all lands on the ground successfully "That was fun goddammit" Felix said while they all take off the parachutes bag off and take out the guns supplies "We land safe in the middle of the forest, we don't know where we are right now, please track our location" Chan communicates the base through the radio "Got it" A voice ground the radio.

"You're near the border, the forest is thick and you may need at least 24 hours to find the main location" Voice through radio "Alright we're started moving" Chan said turning off the radio.

"Alright gentlemen let's move" Chan command while they all started to walk on the forest.

"I swear if i get back from this alive i will make them, higher my salaries" Hyunjin said "Why?" "His skin ofc" Jisung answered before Hyunjin could and they all laugh "Bullshit.. There's no use taking care of the damn skin in this thick forest" Changbin complain "At least I'm handsome" Hyunjin winked making Changbin cringe "Handsome? Where?" Jisung tease him while the others laugh again "Yah y-"

Before Hyunjin could finished his sentence they heard a loud gunshot, they quickly hide behind the bushes and trees.

"Stay alert, Roger, Delta rolling up" "Yes sir" They shoot back "I think i got two of them" Jisung shout "This is Wolf, we got a situation here, We got attack by a mask mans, Our three mens got shot, I'll repeat, we got attacked by mask mens" Chan said on the walkie talkie.

"Alfa cover" Hyunjin shout and ran to the injured 3 man laying on the ground, he check their pulse then shook his head signaling they are already dead "2 are still alive" Changbin shout "They are running away" Felix shout while he reloads his ammo quickly.

"This is Alfa I'm going after" Jisung said trying to run but Hyunjin stops him, "It's too dangerous, you're stitches are not yet healed" "This is Alfa, I'm chasing them" Jisung said once again, Hyunjin nod knowing he won't stop this stubborn kid.

Jisung ran towards the two running man "Fuck i lost them" Jisung said on the walkie talkie while looking around "Come back quickly, This is wolf order, Come back immediately" Chan talk through the walkie talkie, he sound angry.

"Yes s-" The radio cut off "This is wolf 105769, can you here me, I'll repeat this is wolf, can you hear me" Chan try locating Jisung's radio "The line's cut off, he's in danger, Roger with me" Chan and Changbin ran quickly to the direction Jisung went.

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