This is Dangerous...

Start from the beginning

'No, it's getting stronger.'

'What do you need?' Draco grinned slyly, as he gently ran his fingers across Harry's hip bone and toying with the elastic waistband of Harry's pyjama bottoms.

Harry groaned as another surge of magic shot through his body.

Draco shuddered, smiling as he said, 'that was strong? More?'

The sound Harry omitted sounded something akin to 'Nrghh' as Draco pushed him onto his back and straddled him quickly, before leaning forward and bringing their erections together. They both moaned and a curtain rail fell off the wall with heavy curtains falling to the floor with a deep, dusty flump and then a clatter and suddenly bathing the room in the strong August-morning sunlight. Draco began to kiss his neck and alternating between his clavicles, leaving small purple bruises across Harry's tanned skin.

Draco muttered, 'it might be better if I bottomed under the circumstances,' as he nipped Harry's earlobe.

Harry groaned again.

'But you'll have to wait, I want to enjoy exploring your body first, I've been wanting to do this for months...'

'Months...!' moaned Harry.

'Yes, months, you oblivious, chivalrous, idiot...' Draco teased as he began to trail his kisses down Harry's torso. 'May I?' he asked as his fingers toyed with the elastic waist of Harry's pyjama bottoms.

'Yes,' he hissed, unable to cope with more than monosyllabic words. He was still trying, with little success, to control his magic. Draco began to ease  down Harry's pyjama-bottoms, his fingers lightly brushing against Harry's inner thigh as they worked past. Harry kicked them off the rest of the way.

'Oh gods,' Harry offered before he pulled Draco back towards his and kissed him hungrily. As Harry's hands glided under Draco's pyjama top to find smooth pale skin, the bedside tables slammed against the wall opposite the bed.

'POTTER! THE BOOK!' yelped Draco, aghast.

'Wrong fucking priorities,' but he flicked a lazy finger in its direction and it floated over to them, intact and unharmed. He set it down to rest on the floor next to the bed.

'Fuck!' Draco muttered and attacked Harry savagely, kissing and nipping at his jaw and neck as he pinned Harry's arms above his head. He was strong, not that Harry put up much resistance. 'Your bloody wandless magic, it's devastating...'

'Dray...' Harry warned as the door handles to turret room fell to the floor with a dull thud! 'I'm not sure this is the answer.'

'Shut up!' he commanded and Harry whimpered as Draco kissed down his naked chest, pausing only play with Harry's nipples with his firm flicking tongue.

'Fuck me!' he muttered as Draco's tongue swirled around his nipple in a way that should be illegal.


He combed his fingers into Draco's soft hair, tugging it slightly as the old stuffy pictures popped off the walls in a shattering of glass.

'Oh, fuck!'

Harry felt feverish as the blond man ran his tongue over the undulations of his hip bones, his teeth occasionally nipping teasingly at Harry's skin. He shuddered, and the room shuddered with him. Harry supposed he should have known that Draco would always be able to do teasingly fabulous things with that wicked mouth of his.

He wasn't entirely sure if there was the sound of fixings from door hinges popping to the floor.

He gasped audibly at Draco's next move as he moved right down the bed, running his hands down Harry's legs as he went. Looking up at him with an evil smirk, he sucked Harry's big toe into his mouth, his tongue swirling powerfully as his lips enveloped Harry's toe like silk. There was a loud crack as the foot of the bed collapsed, sending them lurching down the angled mattress.

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