chapter 6: the witches bones

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Sam finally told everyone she saw the witch so they went to where the car wreck was, and Sam started retracing her steps. When she was crawling on the ground like the night of the crash she felt bones, and then Josh grabbed the rest of them and the lock had fier engraved into it. "It's her. It's her grave." Josh said unhappily. "Oh no, no. No!" This is bad. This is really bad!" Simon exclaimed. "Hey, it will be okay. We will be okay," Y/N reassured Simon. "No wonder the witch is pissed at us, i'd be pissed too. Sam disturbed her grave." Kate said as we were all thinking the same thing. "Now she's sending her henchmen after us." Josh whispered under his breath. Kate looked concerned and said, "Henchmen? Meaning every one of those sickos on your wall is coming after us?" A twig in the wood then snapped and Josh said, "Did you guys hear that?" Everyone just looked towards the sound then Simon came up with an idea and suggested, "Hold up, hold up. She's mad because we disturbed her grave, right? So let's just un-disturb it! Just put the bones back, rebury them, and put her to rest!" Deena looks annoyed and says, "No, that's so stupid!" Josh then disagrees and yells, "No, that's genius!" "Yea in.. in Poltergeist-" Simon gets interrupted by a louder twig snapping in the woods. They all gasped and Kate told everyone, "Do whatever, let's just do it quickly so we can go!"

Josh stood guard by a tree near where the sound was and the others went into Peters car and grabbed a jacket to wrap the bones in. As Deena and Sam were putting the bones in the jacket and back into the ground. Simon noticed Y/N shaking and freaking out a little bit so he hugged her and said, "Hey, like you said everything will be okay. Also if you get scared i'm right here, so you can hold on to me." Y/N chuckled and said, "Yea more like you'll have to hold on to me if you get scared." Josh started yelling at them and said, "Guys! I think there's someone in the woods!" They just ignored him and finally got the bones back to where they belonged. Kate then exclaimed, "Did it work?!" Josh never replied, but it clearly didn't because a guy holding an axe with a mask on came running towards them. Sam and Y/N we're frozen but Deena pulled Sam and Simon grabbed Y/N's hand. They all ran and jumped back into the ambulance.

As soon as Kate started driving the ambulance away Josh said, "That was the Camp Nightwing Killer!" and then Kate replied with, "That was a bust!" Deena then angrily replied with, " Yeah, maybe because it's not like the movies, ok? Maybe it's not as easy as putting the bones to rest!" "It should've worked!" Simon exclaimed. "It always works!" Y/N adds. "Maybe it's her missing hand." Josh suggests, then Kate yelled, "Who gives a shit? It doesn't matter. Hey, how do I not die?!" Simon then looked upset and yelled back, "We! How do we not die? And i'm looking at you, witch nerd!" He said looking at Josh. "I- I don't know!" Josh told Simon. Sam was tired of everyone yelling and said, "They're not coming for us! They're coming for me!" Deena looked confused and said, "What?" "I saw her again, the witch.
I disturbed her grave. She wants me." Sam confessed. Josh then agreed and said, "Yeah. Yeah, yeah. Nightwing ran right by me. I jumped out of his way and it was like he didn't even see me. He went for her." In disbelief Deena said, "Guys, no! Ruby attacked Simon. Skull mask came after us at home. And while you guys were babysitting!"

Kate swerves the car to a stop and says, "No, he didn't. Skull Mask didn't care about us." She unzipped Simons jacket, pointed to his shirt, and said, "He wanted this. Sam's blood." Y/N then agreed and said, "Oh yeah, from the crash." Simon then added, "Yeah when Sam puked period! It's Jaws dude! A shark smelling blood! And Kate's right, when we found Skelator he was all sniffy and weird with my shirt, like a perv in a pantie shop!" Deena still in disbelief said, "Yeah but he came to our house too!" Kate then points to Deena's shoe with Sam's blood on it then Simon yelled, "Sam bled on her bones, and now the witch wants more of her blood!" Sam asked, "Okay, so what did they do in Jaws?" Y/N replied, "Well i'm pretty sure they didn't go skinny-dipping with the goddamn bait." Deena yelled angrily, "She's not bait!" Josh disagreed and said, "Yeah. She is. Seriously, if we're right and they're after her... then let's give the assholes what they want."

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