First Love

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Sorry guys!!! I was taking more time to update this part. I hope you all will like this part.

Story Begins.....

One voice is loud.

Voice: Just listen! you gave me a more test and I also failed it, but this time doesn't test me, I know I taunted you more times but now we should finish our fight and we are friends, Okay? You don't like to your friend fail na so help your friend to get this job, OK...

Her face reveals. Anika talking with god.

 Anika talking with god

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Another side...

Zoya walked towards her college but she felt someone following her, she turned.

Zoya walked towards her college but she felt someone following her, she turned

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Zoya: Why are you following me? what do you want??

Man: Finally, you asked it, I want to marry you.

Zoya: What? are you mad? I won't marry you.

Man: I don't ask you just ordering you, ok.

He went.

Zoya: What the hell???

She went to her college but get mood off.

Zoya's Friend(ZF): what happened Zoya? why are you looking so confused?

Zoya: because of that idiot, he orders me to marry him.

ZF1: what?? who's him???

ZF2: Guys! come our chairman came to our college we should have to go for a meeting.

The trio walked towards the office room but suddenly Zoya hides behind of piller.

ZF1: what happened Zoya?

Zoya: He followed me to came college, Oh god! Professors are being inspirations to students but now my respect will come down.

ZF2: Who's one follows you? tell me, I'll handle him.

Zoya shows him and he says hi to her and moves toward her.

ZF2: Zoya, are you series? He follows you...

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