Alternative Chapter - Look for Dream

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What if Y/N chose to look for Dream instead of running with Tommy and Toby?

Choice from Chapter 38.


He wouldn't leave us if we were in his shoes.

Quite the contrary, I felt that he would claw his way out of hell and sneak his way into the heavens if it meant saving us.

I looked down, turning my right, exposed arm over to view my veins. Black and blue. The skin surrounding my literal life blood had turned, and not for the better. It appeared as if someone had exclusively beat the shit out of where my veins were. As I rotated my arm around, seeing tatters of my silk glove at my forearm, it appeared the same for wherever a vein met the surface. How had I not noticed my aggressive usage had resulted in such a terrible outcome?

I curled my fingers into a fist and moved my arm down to my side.

My body was the least of my worries. My arms throbbed, as if in response to my callous thought.

I wasn't sure how I would fair the next day, if my body would completely reject my will or worse. But did I have time to worry about tomorrow if it wasn't even assured?

Tommy, my blond boy, I had betrayed his trust. I could see it on his face, he was still hurting even though he was trying to ignore it, especially during such a stressful time. And without Dream. I wondered if he felt a stronger sense of responsibility when he wasn't around, as if he was the man who had to fill his shoes. He turned back and forth, like a security camera on a consistent swivel, looking for anything dangerous. His hands shook, and its movement made its way up his arms and to his torso. I felt it difficult to tell if it was anger, or fear, or both.

My instincts kicked in and I stepped forward. I placed my hand on his shoulder, immediately grabbing his attention from whatever thought he was holed up in. His wide eyes snapped to me, and I felt the shake that rattled his thin frame.

I kneeled down to his level, moving my hand down to his. I grasped it and held on tight. "I got you." I whispered. "If you can believe one thing, believe you me that I would perish from this world before I allowed anything, anyone, to hurt you, Tommy."

The boy swallowed a lump in his throat, blinking his eyes fast. He gripped my hand tighter than I did, and nodded a little. He seemed to have trouble keeping eye contact.

"I will protect you, do you believe that?" I pressed.

"I-I.." Tommy choked out, as if the adrenaline had finally left his body and he was left with nothing but the scattered emotions of fear and uncertainty.

"Y/N will protect me." I stated, firm.

"Mom will protect me." Toby said, coming up behind me and leaning his weight onto my back. He moved his arms around my neck and rested his chin onto my shoulder. He closed his eyes, his breaths as shaky as Tommy's but his heartbeat a lot more even. "Mom's going to protect me." He repeated, turning his face into my left braid.

"Y-Y/N's..gonna" Tommy stumbled between sobs he kept in. He didn't dare let them free.

I smiled to him and gently pulled him into my chest. I wrapped both of my arms around his frail body and whispered. "We're not related by blood, but you two are my kids. No matter what happens, who says what, don't forget it."

Tommy moved his arms around my neck, lapping over Toby's, and squeezing us both. I could feel wetness against my cheek, with his head resting on my right shoulder, but I didn't say so.

And if Toby knew it, he didn't say so either.

We sat in silence for a good minute. I leaned my head into his, my chin resting on his shoulder comfortably. "We need to depart soon.." I began.

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