"... Iida looked really upset with us..." A dejected looking Uraraka lamented from her seat despite not being apart of the conversation she didn't exactly jump to shut it down either, safe to say she felt a bit shitty

"Eh..he'll come around" the floating t-shirt shrugged

Jirou just slouched in her chair silently watching the direction Yaoroyozou had just left in.

"Yeah but-"

Bakugou snapped, how dare she look that upset like they didn't deserve the fucking lashing! Did they not understand how uncomfortable they just made him discussing that?!? In front of him?!?!

"Well no fucking shit ya brainless body sacks what the hell was that?!? we haven't done anything, hell we just started fucking dating! Mind your own damn business and fuck off!"

Bakugou yelled following Iida's example and storming off.

Midoriya soon following behind him
A faint 'Kacchan!' Echoing down the hall behind him.

"D-did we embarrass him?" Uraraka's voice stuttered out but Bakugou was too far to even get mad at it.


"So who wants to bet me 500 yen that Bakubabe got that mad because he's the bottom?"


Thursday 7:52
Katsuki's Dorm Room

Katsuki stormed into his dorm room in the worst mood he's been in a while at best he was pissed, at worst? Oh God at worst..

The only good thing about being in his room at this moment was the fact that he couldn't hear the idiotic voices of the extras he called classmates. He just wanted to sleep and drown the rest of the world out

He could however hear the sound of his boyfriend's voice behind him



" K-Kacchan wait up!"
Izuku said after finally catching up with the Blonde

Katsuki turned toward Izuku pissed

"Kacchan, I'm sorry about what happened please calm down.. I know their reactions weren't..the best and I'm not faulting you for being upset but it's probably not good for you to go to bed angry so please calm down for me please" Izuku rambled trying to soothe his partner with his words, resting a comforting hand onto the othets shoulder but,

"Calm down?" Katsuki started eerily calm before erupting into a rage filled rant "Calm Down?! Why the fuck should I calm down for?! Those Dumbasses, not only brought up our sex life as soon as they had the chance but on top of that they didn't even let you talk! They talked over you like you weren't even there they talked over US like we weren't even there that isn't ok!" The heat in his voice lessened as he came of his high the rest of his energy going into the quiet voice he used to say, "and I won't calm down or pretend it is to spare any damn extras' feelings,"

He really wanted to sleep now

"Kacchan I won't lie and say I was ok with that but It's over now and besides It's not like they got away with it Iida-kun told them off pretty well before they could come up with weird Conspiracies,"

"Hmph Whatever," Katsuki huffed, walking towards his bed and pulling out the pajamas he had under his pillow having bathed already he had no problem transitioning to cleaner clothes

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2023 ⏰

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