"We're really happy for you kero," Asui said from Uraraka side, a side she was currently snuggling into

Following down the line of Yaoroyozou, Iida, Uraraka, and Asui was Todoroki who looked up at the expecting eyes waiting for him to comment

"Hm? Oh Cool,"

"So...who bottoms- ?"Kaminari inquired a shit eating grin plastered all over his face, though said grin didn't last long as not long after it was swiftly knocked of his face by Jirou jamming her earphone jacks in his side

The room for Bakugou froze at the mere witness of such utter stupidity

"I know you're an idiot but you can't possibly think you can just ask questions like that!" Jirou scolded before turning away, twirling a jack between her fingers before muttering something in a quieter tone

"Besides even if they did answer your stupid question, it would obviously be Midoriya..."

"Oh um actually" Midoriya tried, only to get shushed out by Aoyama's rather loud exclamation

"Why of course Everyone knows Midoriya-kun's too cute to top!" The sparkling boy said drawing little attention to himself despite his flamboyant moves and hand gestures

"Well guys,you see we haven't," He tried again to explain their non-existent sex life,they have after all only recently gotten together

Bakugou's uncomfort was becoming more visible, but it seems like the only people who noticed were his boyfriend, the few who decided to leave and some people that call themsleves his friends much to his disfortune, everyone else taking the scowl on his After that everyone disbanded from the Common room for annoyance

"Um maybe you guys should stop" Kirishima suggested before a gasp rang out from the invisible resident on the couch beside Ashido effectively tuning him out

"Well yeah I mean Midoriya topping?"
A sound resembling a laugh intertwined with the end of her sentence

"Mmm I don't know have you seen the man shirtless? Two words? Greek God."
Sero slurred making it obvious he was previously sleeping

"True but I mean have you met Bakugou? he doesn't have a submissive bone on his body" Kaminari added

"Well except when with his mom but everyone knows it isn't very manly to be mean to your parents when they love you... I still don't think we should be having this conversation Bakubro seems uncomf-"Kirishima stressed again looking over his shoulder the where Bakugou had become more agitated, the common room clock ticking becoming louder and louder at every passing second

Kaminari's laughter rung around the room "See Kiri Agrees with me!-" the Blonde exclaimed missing the point entirely


The sound of hands slamming a table deafened the room silencing all the residents, as they looked around the room for the source of the noise, though they didn't have to look long as the answer was soon screamed unto their faces

"This Conversation is extremely inappropriate and there is no reason for Midoriya and Bakugou to be engaging in such activities while underaged and on school grounds and even if they did I personally believe it is none of our buisness I hope you know I am dissapointed in all of you who participated in this!"

Iida, looking scandalized bellowed, stiff heavy hand chops shook with disbelief, at his position at the table before emptiness occupied his prevously filled spot only Stomps being left to fill now silent room as he made his way towards the elevator

They were about to comment until Yaoroyozou got up too looking unsettled, and dismissed herself to her room not uttering a word

Bakugou swore he heard someone say prude under their breath but he didn't care

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2023 ⏰

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