Because today was not a good day.

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I lay in the ocean freezing because today was not a good day.
I eat nothing and say nothing because today was not a good day.
I text someone that doesn't care about me because today was not day.
I cut my hair and regret it because today was not a good day.
I walk around in the city for hours because today was not a good day.
I lay in bed all day and watch anime because today was not a good day.
I replay and relive past conversation and events because today was not a good day.
I look myself in the mirror and tell my reflection that she's beautiful because today was not a good day.
I eat way to much snacks and drink way too much soda because today was not a good day.
I sit on the bus with no destination in mind because today was not a good day.
I talk out loud like someone is listening because today was not a good day.

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