Occasionally, in Hunter's absence, Griffin will still make perverted comments, but there's not that intimidating unpredictability there once was. I don't feel like he would cross the fuck it line anymore. Even so, there are still gentle grazes of his hand or a kiss to the forehead, but nothing that has made Hunter's head pop off. Griffin has tested the waters enough to know what he can and can't get away with, from Hunter and from me.

With that being said, I think Hunter has finally accepted that my friendship with Griffin will always be a little more "hands-on" than my friendship with say...Hunter's brothers. As time went on, Hunter's insecurities eased and he realized once again that I'm not going anywhere. I may be more affectionate with Griffin than I am with the other guys, but I will always be the faithful loving wife I am was destined to be. There's an unspoken agreement and it seems as if everybody finally knows where things stand.

Fourth, the investigation is complete. It's been a long process and the team hasn't given us any updates. Elijah said he wasn't going to reveal what they found until everything was over and we had properly recovered. He refused to stress Hunter out while he was on the mend and I appreciate his thoughtfulness.

I will be returning to work in a couple weeks and I couldn't be more excited. Although I love my time off with Hunter and the rest of the crew, I take pride in what I do and the difference I make in people's lives. I was born to be a nurse and I miss my staff and the patients. Every single one of my employees have reached out during this time to tell me how much they can't wait for me to return. They have brought us dinners, sent us gift cards and flowers, and made me feel appreciated. It means the world to me. Griffin is adamant about escorting me to work, to ensure my safety, but I only agreed to one week tops. Once I know everything will run smoothly, he is going to have to find some other way to occupy his time. Surprisingly, Hunter was perfectly copacetic with Griffin's request. As much as he worries about Griffin's intentions, my safety is and always will be his top priority.

As far as Hunter's employer, they have decided to let all the employees work remotely indefinitely. They found out that they could achieve the same productivity and be fiscally responsible at the same time by not having to pay rent on some office space. Hunter was thrilled to not have to spend any more time with John. Apparently, the dude is a real treat to work with.

It is now Friday and a busy day at that. I have a couple doctor's appointments, a few errands to run and some wedding things to do with Helen. We are having the whole crew and my parents over to the house tomorrow for dinner and a game night.

I am in between appointments when my phone rings and I look down to see my husband's smiling face come across the screen.

"Hey, handsome," I answer.

"Hey, beautiful. What are you doing?"

"Just left the doctor. Getting ready to get some lunch and then off to run more errands."

"How did your appointment go?" he asks.

"Everything was good. My hand is almost completely back to normal and the doctor was pleased with my range of motion. He's cleared me to go back to work."

"Well, that's good. Hey, when do you think you will be home? I need to run out and pick up a few things for tomorrow. Since I'm not cleared to drive yet, I need someone to chauffeur me around. So stupid."

"Sorry, babe. After I get done with my errands, I am meeting Helen to do some wedding stuff. Can Elijah drive you? Or any of your brothers? Maybe my parents?"

"I wish. Elijah is busy putting together some PowerPoint presentation about the investigation findings. Apparently, he is going to present it to all of us after dinner tomorrow night. Such a fucking nerd. My brothers are all at work and your parents are on their way to Ikea to get some furniture that your dad says they don't need. I heard your mom call him an asshole in the background and after he mouthed off, the line went dead. I'm really grateful to not be on that particular excursion."

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