Chapter 60

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I know I told Hunter we would go back to the room to shower together right after breakfast, but I am having such a great time catching up with the guys that I beg him to stay a little longer. He pouts momentarily, but I promise him that I will make it up to him and he won't be disappointed. That pacifies him for now and we eventually move to the couches by the fireplace. The guys talk about the extensive searching that took place for me.

"Ask Hunter about the time he called the hospital looking for your dad," Patrick says to me, Hunter's heavy sigh blowing my hair into my face. Based on the guys' eruption of laughter, I am on the edge of my seat to hear this little nugget.

"You fuckers throw a lot of shade," Hunter grunts. "Can we not just appreciate the fact that Jenna is back here with us again and spare her the humiliating details leading up to now."

"Uh no," Bryson says before he goes into story-telling mode. My stomach is cramping when the story of mistaken identity concludes and even Hunter is laughing at the unfortunate sequence of events.

"Hunter had this poor bastard thinking his middle-aged daughter was a two-timing hussy. His defibrillator probably shocked him twelve more times from the stress alone," Kevin exclaims, doubled over in laughter. Pretending he's getting electrocuted, he continues, "My daughter *buzz*...has three kids *buzz*...but you mean to tell me *buzz*...that she's been whoring around *buzz*...with some dumbass *buzz*...who can't even get her damn phone number *buzz*..."

"I hate every single one of you assholes," Hunter jokes. "I hope one day you all find your soul mate and realize the crazy things you do for love."

I steal a quick glance at Hunter and think to myself that I am so lucky to have a man that never gave up looking for me. I feel guilty for the times I thought that he didn't care for me, but deep down, I always knew that he was exactly the man I thought he was.

"Jenna, let me tell you about the camping trip we went on," Justin pops up.

Hunter's face goes stern, which leads me to believe this a subject he wishes wasn't brought up. His eyes plead with Justin to stop, but his brother doesn't get the hint and rambles on. His reaction jolts me upright and when I chance a look at him, he diverts his eyes. I don't like this. My thoughts run wild and suspicion creeps in. I already knew that Bryson hooked up with some girl from the campsite next to theirs, but if I find out Hunter did too, I'm done. Surely, he wouldn't tell me something like that, knowing the sensitivity of this whole situation. Hunter grabs my hand as Justin starts and I'm hoping it is just a sign of affection, not a way to brace me from a situation that will tear me apart. His sweaty palms are not helping to ease my anxiety.

"We finally convinced the antisocial prick to go on this camping trip with us over Labor Day weekend. We thought getting him out of the house could do him some good."

"I was not an antisocial prick," Hunter interjects.

"Yes, you were," all the guys say in unison as I offer a nervous chuckle.

I turn to Hunter and he shrugs. He looks guarded and maybe even a little guilty. My own palms glisten and I know it isn't from his contact. With my foot tapping and my teeth chattering, I say a silent prayer that I didn't travel all this way, reconnect with a man that I was so certain of, only to find out that our time apart was laced with infidelity. I pull in a sharp breath and wait for the story that has the potential to flip my world upside down.

"Anyway," Justin continues. "All of us, except Hunter, went to introduce ourselves to the girls at the campsite next to us. Prince Charming here decided to go fishing instead."

"It was a better alternative in my opinion," Hunter grumbles.

What was going on at the campsite that he decided going off by himself was the best option?

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