"Oh, Hunter. I'm so sorry. When we get back upstairs, I will give you something for the nausea."

I nod my head and take a few deep breaths until the wave of nausea passes. I've never been a big fan of narcotics for this very reason. Jade assists me to the stretcher while the MRI tech stands in the corner like a useless fuck. It's obvious Jade doesn't think highly of this guy and neither do I. We roll out of the room and down the hallway, stopping at the elevator as Jade pushes the button.

"How is she? My wife, I mean."

"She's absolutely darling," Jade says with a smile. "She's trying hard to hold it together in front of all those men up there, but she's worried sick about you. You can tell just how much she really loves you."

"And I really love her. She's the best person I know. I hope those jackasses are behaving and not driving you crazy. We don't normally travel with ex-Navy seals. This was a special occasion."

She laughs loudly and shakes her head. "They've been fine. Three of them sit in a corner on their phones, one of them stays close to Jenna. He's very protective of her. But the last one, I can't quite figure him out."

"Real broody, stick lodged up his ass, always looks like he is getting ready to eat small children for breakfast?" I ask.

"Nailed it," she laughs. "He keeps his eye on me, like he's waiting for me to do something suspicious."

"Nah, that's just his normal charming personality. That's Elijah. He comes across as an asshole, but you really gotta get to know him to understand just how big of an asshole he really is." She lets out a chuckle and pushes my stretcher through the elevator doors. "I'm just kidding. He's a good man, one of the best I know. Would do anything for you. The other one is Griffin. He's in love with my wife."

With her brows pushed together, she asks, "And you're ok with that?"

"Ironically, I am. With the shit we've been dealing with lately, I'm lucky to have him around to keep her safe. She adores him and I have learned to accept that. I'll share her a little bit with him as long as she's taken care of."

"Sounds like an interesting life," she jokes as the elevator doors open. "So, are you ready to see your beautiful wife?"

"More than you'll ever know."

As Jade pushes the stretcher through the door, chairs push out and everybody jumps to their feet to get to me. Jenna almost falls on her face as she rushes me. Seeing her beautiful face makes all the pain disappear and the bad memories to fade. She flashes me that brilliant smile of hers and presses her lips to mine. She's freshly showered but doesn't smell like her usual vanilla. Either way, it's like a breath of fresh air to have her close. Her grip is making the bones crunch in my swollen face, but it's a small price to pray to have her hands on me.

As her lips leave mine, I see her wipe blood from her lips, even if she tries to remain subtle about it. I can only imagine what I look like. I don't have to look in the mirror to know that I took a major beating to the face. I feel everything, even with the pain meds. Jenna steps back as Jade pushes the stretcher further into the room and flush against the hospital bed. The giants come over, grab the sheet under me and pull me over to the bed. The shifting shoots pain through my rib cage and when I grimace, my wife is all over it, requesting more pain medication for me.

"I'm going to grab him some nausea medicine first," Jade informs her. "I gave him half a dose of the pain meds downstairs and his stomach didn't tolerate it well."

Jade is out the door and back within minutes with another syringe of medication. She gives me the nausea medicine first and then the other half of the pain meds. Needless to say, things went a lot smoother this time.

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