Chapter 8

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I feel like this quote fits narutos character in this book perfectly, while its the complete opposite of Sayuri

"Who taught you our language!?"


The classroom fell silent. Sayuri was in a dazed state, remembering the night her clan was slaughtered by the man she simped for (incest much?) The same man that was pushed out by the same person.


"Dont say that name in my presence, you incestial fuck"


"Hes not as bad as you think. There's a sang i was told when I was younger"


"Theres always a reason behind the madness. We can't hope to understand the reason, without accepting the madness."

Flashback over

"What reason could someone possibly have for murdering their own clan" Sayuri said in a dangerously low tone, bangs covering her eyes.

"You won't know if you don't accept the fact that it happened." Naruto replied carelessly, looking out the window sounding like a emo depressed anime highschooler who hates nice girls.

Sayuri head shot up, tears threatening to fall from her eyes "That doesn't explain anything!" She yelled.

"You're right. It doesn't."

"Then why tell me!?" She yelled again swiping her hand through the air like an upset highschool anime girl.

Naruto turned his head and looked at Sayuri with a blank expression. "Because I felt like it"

"Shut up!! Itachi was in the wrong, im in the right!"

Narutos pov

What an ignorant thing to say. Especially in a situation like this. Shes honestly starting to annoy me with her idiotic mindset

Same here Naruto. Adapting this part is pain for me since I set it up completely different from the original and I need to get back on track

Nobodys ever right or wrong, Naruto. So don't resent your family when you go back

"Nobodys ever right or wrong, Sayuri. So don't resent itachi. Especially since you don't know the cause of the effect leading to the sum."

"That doesn't even make sense! Just shut up already . . ." Im sorry Sayuri, but you have to hear this. It's important, and you clearly don't have the mental capacity to figure it out yourself.

"Sayuri-chan, think about it rationaly. It was obvious you're clan was planning to dethrone the hokage and take over the village by force. They were thirsty, both for power and Namikaze dick. Itachi was sent to end the coup." It wasn't supposed to end like that though. It was supposed to lead to a peace agreement. Not massacre of a clan that's been all but forgotten at this point.

"NARUTO SHUT UP AND STOP FILLING HER HEAD WITH LIES!!" filling her head with lies? That's unusual wording for someone with an iq of -2.


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