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《nobody's pov.》


kendo dabbed cold cloth on monomas head, trying to calm down his fever. after a couple of minutes, she could hear small groans coming from monoma. the blonde slowly opened his eyes, the light blinding him for a second. after he regained his senses, he jumped up from where he was currently laying, his guard up.

"hey, mono do you need anything?" kendo asked trying to ease the situation. monoma looked confused at first, but then quickly noticed she was to no threat.

"if that isn't to much to ask for.." monoma trailed off still standing. "i assure you its not." kendo smiled. "o-okay, water then, and tea please..." monoma mumbled just loud enough for kendo to hear.

kendo nodded her head and walked out and monoma sat on the bed where he was laying, waiting for kendo. he noticed that it was in in fact his and shinsous shared bedroom, and it looked as if he had been sleeping on the bed for hours.

kendo walked back in, a gentle smile on her face. "i brought you your tea and water, just call if you need something else okay?" kendo stated before shutting the door quietly. monoma felt a tear drop as he curled up in a ball.

he forced himself to reach out and grab onto the cup of tea before drinking a bit out. suddenly the cup crashed to the floor,  as flashes of what happened, shows in monomas mind as he uncontrollably shook. tears soaked his shirt as kendo and pony rushed in.

 while pony tried to clean up the mess, kendo reached out to try and touch monoma which seemed to make it worst. kendo was very unprepared as monoma wouldn't calm down even in the slightest. kendo started whispering soothing words towards monoma as pony finished cleaning up the mess and joining the two. after a few minutes, the shaking and crying from monoma were minimized but pony and kendo were both reluctant to let go.

pony decided to go finish getting the stuff and taking it downstairs so that unnecessary glass wouldn't be on the floor. "im going to take these downstairs, would you be okay if-" before pony could even ask, monoma shook his head. pony sighed out and nodded her head, making her way out the door and down the stairs. 

tetsu, kaibara, awase, komori, shizaki, and tokage turned to look at pony when she arrived downstairs but looked towards the one person she needed to. she shook her head, and went towards the trash can, dumping the residue. "he seems very shaken up, what could have happened?" kaibara questioned, tears glimmering his eyes. tetsutetsu, paced around the room, trying to stop the tears from spilling. originally, tetsu called over kirishima and now he should be arriving anytime soon.

the doorbell rang making tetsu perk up and go answer it. kirishima wasn't there alone. "akari?" tetsutetsu mumbled out in confusion. why was kirishima with him? "oh, well this guy was getting out his car in the front so i asked why he was there and he said he wanted to make sure monoma was okay since he didn't want a ride from him yesterday-"

tetsu snapped his head towards akari. "what." kirishimas look of confusion on his face grew. "you knew he was by himself yet you didn't give him a ride?" tetsu growled. kaibara came up to the door confusion. "who gave Monoma a ride?" kirishima by then noticed something seemed off. "so i guess this isn't the right time to be here, im gonna go-"

kirishima sighed out before testu shook his head at him, "come in we have to have a talk."


"did you tell vlad king, any of this." kirishima asked wearily. testu shook his head. "the managers haven't been back since yesterday morning." kaibara replied. kirishima looked over to akari. "do you know if anything happened?" kirishima asked. akari only shook his head. "once i offered him a ride and he declined, i figured i couldn't force him to let me drop him off so i just let it be." akari mumbled in regret. kirishima sighed and looked over towards shinsou, he looked like a complete wreck.

'maybe i should call kaminari over.' kirishima walked away to where there were no one around and called kaminari.

"hello?" kirishima sighed out. "hey, what are you doing right now at this very moment." kirishima asked. the other line went silent before speaking up. "hanging with mina and sero why?" the other line asked wearily.

"i need you to come over to the second group house stat, and bring sero and mina if you want i don't care." kirishima said, "but what for-", before kaminari could ask, kirishima hung up the phone.

'what happened to you monoma.'


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