~Meeting Luca~

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"Ahhh! Fish out of the Gorge, Fish out of the Gorge!!"

You hear someone shouting, it sounded like a..Boy?. You swam towards the shouting and hid under a rock.

"Oh No, Moms gonna kill me!....Huh..Galena! Wait!" The Young sea monster shouts and swam after the fish. You followed him.

"Giuseppe! Come back here!" he shouts. you thought it was pretty funny seeing him catch a fish.

*He catches the Fish*

"You wanna end up like your buddy Enrico?, Well i got news for you, he's either dead or......out there....seeing the world....*Almost losing grip but tightens* But he's probably Dead!" He shouts at the fish.

You swam a bit closer to Him without him seeing you.

"Okay, that's everyone..MonaLisa,why are you smiling?" He says to the bigger fish sheep.

*Smaller fish came out of her mouth*

"Anyone else in there?" he asked.

*More smaller fish came out looking mad at her*

Then of course, Giuseppe was slowly moving away from the group.


*The fish looks at him*

"What did we Just talk about?" he asked lowering his eyes.

Giuseppe didn't listen and tried to escape.

"*Exhales* Oh, Giuseppe......alright lets head out" He says gathering the fish.

You couldn't help but laugh out loud due to the thought of him chasing stupid fish

"Huh?" He says wondering where the laughing was coming from then he looked behind him to see you, a beautiful young girl seamonster with a Y/C coat and an E/C color, with a pretty flower on her head. He stares at you.

"Hey!, haha i'm sorry about that, i couldn't help but laugh at you chasing those sheep!" You swam up to him still giggling. but then you notice he's staring at you.

"Um, hellooo?" You wave your arms in his face to get his attention.

"Huh?, Oh!...hi..sorry..i didn't mean to stare..heh" He said Nervously.

"It's quite alright kid" You giggle, "I'm Y/N scorfano, what's yours?" you asked.

"Me?, I'm Luca paguro, nice to meet you" Said Luca,

"You too Luca" you said smiling.

"Alright let's head out" He says gathering the fish again and swimming away, You ofc followed him.

"Alright, Let me know if you need anything......anyone?..No?..Ok.." Luca, then sits on a huge rock, you swam over to him and sit by him.

"So what's it like being a shepard?" You asked with curiousity.

"Oh, i tell you, it's boring, there's nothing to do but watch the fish, make sure their fed and make sure they don't swim away" replies Luca.

"Yikes, that does sound boring....Hey?, what is Giuseppe doing?" You pointed out at the only fish that's distracted by something.

*You and Luca swims over to Giuseppe*

"Giuseppe.. *sigh* what are you-" Said Luca brushing the fish away to reveal something shiny.

You wanted to touch it but Luca blocked your hand with a nod "No", then he slowly picked it up.

It started to Ring loudly, Making Luca Shriek.

"You ok?" You asked him.

"Yeah, I guess" he replied.

This strange thing had tiny hands in the inside and was shaped like a circle.

Luca then found something else it was rectangular and thin with a picture on it.

You and Luca then hear something from above

"Land Monsters!, Everybody Under the Rock!" Luca yelled gathering the fish and pulling you under the rock with him.

you both watch the boat pass by.



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