Letting Go.... Moving On.... Chapter 12

Start from the beginning

Ericka busted out laughing. “He kissed you right in front of Logan? How did Logan react to it?”

“He wasn’t even looking, but Makenzie’s face was priceless.” I grinned.

Ericka smiled from ear to ear. “I bet. Damn, I would’ve paid to see that.” She put her stuff to the side and grabbed her keys. “I’m ready to go if you are.”

We arrived about 30 minutes early, so I wasn’t really expecting to see Tony there yet, but as Ericka and I pulled up I noticed him walking into the building. My heart seemed to skip a beat. “He’s here.” I said. Ericka just laughed and got out of the car. We made our way inside and walked over to Tony who was waiting up at the bar to order a drink.

“Hey”, he said with a huge grin when he noticed us walk up. “You came.”

“Did you think I was going to bail on you or something?” I asked with a smile as he hugged me.

“Maybe”, he answered.

“This is my friend Ericka.” Ericka smiled and said hi, and Tony gave her a side hug. “So, where is everyone?” I asked.

“They’re running a little late.”

I nodded. “Who exactly is coming tonight?”

“Malcolm and his girlfriend Iyana are on their way, and my friend Matt and his girlfriend Bailey should be here shortly.” He answered.

“Oh”, I looked at Ericka, and then looked back at Tony.

Tony cleared his throat awkwardly. “I mean, we were going to do like a couples vs couples thing, but we don’t have to do that.”

“No”, Ericka interrupted. “It’s ok; don’t change your plans because of me.”

“But…” I began.

Ericka pulled out her phone, “I’ll be right back.” She said, and stepped outside to make a call. I stared after her curiously. Maybe she was finally working up the nerve to call Kendall.

“This probably isn’t the ideal first date, but…” Tony said, pulling my attention away from Ericka and back to him.

“This will be fun, I’m glad I get to meet some of your friends.” He smiled. He was perfect, I thought to myself. This all felt way too good to be true. I felt like I was Cinderella at the Ball and I only had a limited time, sooner or later this, whatever I had with Tony was going to run out, just like it did with Lo…. No, I will not think about him.

“Are you ok?” Tony asked.

I realized I must have been staring off into space. “I’m fine.”

“TONY”, someone said from the door. We both looked and saw Malcolm and his girlfriend Iyana walking in followed by Matt and his girl Bailey. Tony introduced me to the guys and their girlfriends; they all seemed really nice and like they would be fun to hang out with.

We waited a few more minutes for Ericka, but it was starting to get kind of busy, so we decided to go get a lane and some bowling shoes before all the lanes were taken. I stared at the door nervously waiting for Ericka hoping she didn’t leave. “Here are your shoes, my lady”. Tony said, handing me a pair of bowling shoes.

“Thank you”. I replied with a smile, before sitting down on the bench to put them on. “I wish Ericka would hurry up.” I said.

“Isn’t that her right there?” Tony said, pointing to the door. I looked and saw Ericka walking towards us; she wasn’t alone either. Right beside her was a guy; he was tall and muscular. I couldn’t even deny it, he was hot.

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