"It seems like so many have found their story and we are just late to the party," I say and chuckle to myself.

"Yeah, it's like it is almost too late for love." He says and starts laughing. "But if you ask my sister she would laugh in your face and say that my lady love is out there waiting for me to sweep her off her feet."

"My mom tried saying those things for years and I think she has finally gotten used to the idea that I can't find him no matter what. She still gives me the guilt over never having grandchildren." I huff out then end.

"Only child?" He asks as we get closer to the door of the restaurant.

"Yeah. They tried for more but it just didn't work out for them. So I get all that pent-up love for myself." I giggle and almost pass out over how goofy I sound.

We enter the restaurant and quickly get a table. The place is amazing with the atmosphere they have going on. It is one of those places where you can go casual or of an evening really do it up nice. I look over the menu and find my favorite.  I look at Alex and he seems to be deep in thought about what to get.

I study him a little and find his facial expression rather adorable. His eyebrows are scrunched together and he has the look of a man trying to determine his last meal. I immediately smile and then notice that I am being watched by Xavier. He has a knowing smirk on his face and I feel myself flush with embarrassment. Damn, I was caught gawking at him.

"So Mae you said you like to get to know the couples for the design. What exactly do you want to know.?" Chelsea asks. her whole demeanor today is so much different that I feel bad for judging her before.

"Well, I want to hear your love story. Every couple has one and I want to know yours. It helps me to visualize you two and your love." I say smiling at her softly.

The waitress comes and we place our order. Everyone ends up getting something different and we get a few appetizers to share.  Chelsea looks at Xavier and nods as if she is giving him the go-ahead.

"Well we grew up with each other but it wasn't until high school that we noticed each other. She was of course the prettiest girl in school and every guy wanted her except for maybe Alex." I hear Alex laugh.

"We were on a school trip to Florida to visit Disney. We didn't hang around each other or anything but that trip changed everything." He reaches over and takes her hand and I see tears in her eyes.

"I was in the park with my girlfriends when some guys came up to us. We tried to politely tell them we were not interested but they had other plans. One of them dragged me to an out-of-the-way corner of the park and tried to have his way with me." Chelsea speaks with a sad voice.

Xavier holds her hand tighter and rubs circles with his thumb trying to calm her. She smiles at him and I see the strength that he is giving her.

"Xavier happened to be nearby and saw what was happening. he saved me and my innocence. I have no idea what would have happened if he didn't come when he did." She smiles brightly and I think I have what I need.

"You have given me some wonderful ideas." just as I say this our food arrives and we start eating.

The meal is very good but I am enjoying the conversation more. Chelsea and Xavier have made it their mission to embarrass Alex. The stories are hilarious and I feel myself tearing up at all of them.

"One time Alex decided that he was not going to date anymore. So I thought it would be a good idea to set him up with one of my friends. I purposely picked the worst possible date for him. She said that he was the most boring man alive and that anyone thought dinner and movie was a date should be castrated." she is laughing so hard that I couldn't help but join her.

"You mean that you did that on purpose! I thought I had ventured into the seventh layer of hell that night." Alex says this with exasperation and I can see the shame and regret on his face. "I tried so hard to be nice but she drove me freakin crazy."

"This is golden. I thought I was the only one that had horrible dates." I say placing my hand on his shoulder.

"How about I tell you about the time we locked him out on the balcony of a hotel in only his boxers?" Xavier says wiggling his eyebrows up and down.

"Alright. Alright. We have spent enough time on embarrassing me, we have to save something for the second date." Alex says laughing.

"You want a second date?" I ask him smiling. I know this was supposed to be about the couple in front of me but I can't help but be attracted to Alex.

"Of course I do! These two have made me look so uncool and I need to redeem myself. Plus who wouldn't want a second date with someone as awesome as you?" His smile is one that could light up a room. I look around the table to see the other two smiling just as big.

"Well, Mister I guess you've earned yourself another date."

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