It's Time

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Natasha POV-

I pull out my headphones knowing that I did not want to hear what was about to happen. I set an audio tracker to alert me if my name or any of the Avengers' names are mentioned except Y/N and Wanda's.

My phone eventually buzzes next to me. "Hey Nat, um sorry that you had to hear all that but," Wanda pauses obviously holding back her laughter, "We are going to need our evacuation soon. Here's the plan."

I check the time on the audio before running out of my room to find Tony. He and Steve are sitting in the living room talking nonchalantly about nothing important. "Guys, they're calling us in. Wanda is relaying a message right now for us in Y/N's ear."

Both of them jump from their seats and follow me into the conference room for us to play the audio. "Start it at nine thirty three." Tony fast tracks the audio pausing exactly where I said and hitting play.

We listen to the audio carefully writing down the important details. Steve, the analytical one, begins immediately asking questions out loud. "So, two days, Banner is not going to be back by then. Do we bring the kid? I don't think Thor could get here quick enough."

Tony has his arms folded across his chest thinking. "Tony, would Pepper be willing to suit up? What about Rhodes?" He rubs his fingers across his forehead, his nervous tick. "I don't know. I can see." He leaves the room to make a couple calls.

"How are we going to do this? You said that Drew mentioned day one that there is a Wakanda level barrier surrounding the Hydra base." In the past couple of years, the stress we have endured has added a couple wrinkles to his forehead from scrunching his eyebrows together. I can see them now.

"We can take the Quinjet and put it in stealth mode. If we can get close enough to land it somewhere, we can trek the rest of the way into the base. We'll have to wait on a signal from Y/N and Wanda then we can blow the barrier somehow."

Steve begins pacing back and forth along the length of the table. "I can get in contact with King T'Challa and see if they know of any tech capable of dropping the barrier." He pulls out his phone next stepping out of the room.

I put my headphone back into my ear and set it to live audio but it is silent. They both went to sleep. I'm going to have to harass them later about their audio once they are safely within the compound walls again.

Tony comes walking back into the room, "They'll both get here tomorrow morning." Perfect. Steve comes back into the room and offers Tony his phone. "You're going to understand what Shuri is saying better than me." Tony takes his phone stepping out again. "Let's get to work."

Rhodes and Pepper arrive by eight in the morning. I still have my headphones in listening to the audio from Y/N's earpiece. I step away from introductions when I hear Specialist Grace speaking to Y/N. Steve notices and follows me.

"What's happening?" I hand him my extra ear bud to listen with me. "We will run your healing experiment tomorrow after the recruits. We want all hands on deck in case of any unpredictable reactions. You and Wanda can use your abilities to detain if need be."

Steve looks to me confused. "It doesn't sound like she is sure it will work like they think." I nod my head continuing to listen. Specialist Grace says that Y/N can meet the Assistant Director after she heals Drew. "I heard them mention the messed up Hydra identification number on the file the other day and Specialist Grace's attempt to provide a corrected file. I don't think that Y/N healing Drew is the real experiment."

Steve and I continue listening until she walks away to take the recruits to the cafeteria. Steve pulls out his earbud, "We probably need to move in before that. Do we let the recruits go through their experiment?"

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