I'm so sorry (IMPORTANT)

913 27 24

Ok I am so so very sorry to everyone that likes this but honestly, I don't know if I can write anymore. I write in my free time but for ages now, i just can't. it's not writers block, i'v ehad that plenty. 

this is ongoing.

ive been focusing more on making music recently than drawing or writing. maybe that's the cause of it, but honestly, i just feel like i've lost my flair for writing.

im sorry for the cliffhanger.

maybe i might continue this. 

maybe ill continue it sooner than i think.

but honestly?

dont hold out hope. like all the books on my old account (which i refuse to share because i hate my old work and old self with a burning passion), this may end up discontinued.

who knows? maybe i might write an original story instead of piggybacking off of someone else's characters for once.

im sorry guys. 

have a good day, ok? i wont delete this story.

but thank you for all the reads, the comments, followers... everything.

it makes me feel so special and almost famous!

its more than ive ever had. 

i love you all so fucking much.

thank you, and bye for now!

I hope i can share my stories with you again soon 


FNF Senpai x Reader -this has the slowest updates on wattpad :( -Where stories live. Discover now