death has a shadow

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in the griffin house, the family were sat on their sofa watching The Brady Bunch  on their small tv 

''Mom, Dad, I found cigarettes in Greg's jacket.'' Jan on the screen told her parents as  Natasha who was sat on the floor next to Brian with her legs crossed scoffed filing her nails down sharp enough so she could cut someone ''boring'' she sighed yet was ignored 

'Greg, were you smoking cigarettes?'' mike questioned his son on-screen ''no, Dad.'' Greg obviously lied to his dad who turned to his wife ''Well, he's lying. There's no doubt about that. (back to Greg) Greg, I'm afraid your punishment will be 4 hours in the snake pit. (pushes a button which opens the pit) Maybe that'll give you some time to think about what you've done. '' and Gregs jumps into the pit

 '' That'll teach him.'' the sister boasted ''And Jan, I'm afraid you've earned a day in the chamber of fire for tattling on your brother.'' the father pushes a button beside a door and the door opens to reveal fire)

(Cut back to the Griffins)

'' Ah, smoking! How does a boy like that go so wrong?'' Loius scoffed turning to her family holding her son Stewie ''maybe being in a family like this one'' Natasha insulted under her breath painting her nails '' Well, they live in a crummy neighbourhood.'' peter claimed as Natasha rolled her eyes at his stupidity how she came from his sperm she'll ever wonder well actually she won't cause that's gross....maybes shes adopted yeah that must be it

  ''The Brady's?''  brian questioned his tail thumping across the carpet as nat used her sharp nails to scratch behind his ears ''oh yeah that's the stop,yeah yeah yeah don't stop'' he groaned eyes closed from the pleasurable scratches oh if this was heaven he'd never sin again  

''Oh, hell, yeah. They got robbers, thugs, drug dealers. You name it. '' peter listed off just as a woman popped outside the window holding a plate of pancakes ''You folks want some pancakes?'' she questions the family ''No, thank you.'' peter turned her offer down which was surprising cause usually surgery treats are never turned down he turns to his family ''See, that's the worst we got is Jemima's Witnesses.'' he points out as nat opens the window to take a pancake 

(Cut to Theme Song.)

in the kitchen Chris is was sat writing in his notebook as across the table sat Meg reading a magazine and next to Stewie who was fixing his mind-control device sat Natasha who was blindly handing Stewie his tools as her attention was focused on a magazine of her own only this one was about knives and all types of weapons while behind them was Lois is pouring salt on a ham ''Mom, my lips are too thin. Can I please get collagen injections?'' meg complained as her sister rolled her eyes 

''news flash big lips will change nothing'' Criticized nat as her sister frowned pouting as she turns to her mom ''nat stop being mean to your sister even if it is the truth and Meg, you don't need to change the way you look. You know, most of the world's problems stem from poor self-image.''lois Reprimanded the two girls holding the ham in a tray 

Cuts to a cutaway taking place at the Das Gym. A guy appearing to be Adolf Hitler is seen lifting two weights. Two women are seen laughing and touching a Jewish guy with big muscles. Adolf Hitler growls in disappointment.

(Cuts back to the Griffins)

'' Excellent! The mind-control device is nearing completion!'' Stewie cheered holding the space-looking gun as his older sister was now painting her toenails just as Lois spotted Stewie with his gun ''Stewie, I said no toys at the table. '' she scolded the baby taking his mind-control device ''Damn you, vile woman! You've impeded my work since the day I escaped from your wretched womb.'' Stewie Raged against his birth giver

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29, 2022 ⏰

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