"It's okay now darling, no more nightmares." I could tell he didn't really believe me. He did sound kinda mad but probably because I'm his and he showed my boobs to someone else. "Lay down." He ordered, laying me down. I shut my eyes and let myself fall back asleep.

When I woke up again, Miles was sitting on the edge of the bed. "Dear, lay back down." I whispered loud enough for him to hear. "You said I needed to protect you from Quint..." I sat up and stared at his bare back. "Quint always said you were trying to take me from him." I crawled closer to him and wrapped my arms around his neck. "I'm not trying to come between the two of you," I mumbled into his neck. "I know Quint. He would never do anything like what you think he would." I slowly let go of him, leaning back and crossing my arms over my chest. "Yes, he would. Miles I know you want a friend but he isn't the best match for you. He's a fucking perv and you're a sweet guy." He shook his head, "No, you don't care about me. The whole reason you started dating me-" "Is because I fell for you. I fell for the Miles that likes to wake me up with kisses and play with Flora. Not the Miles who keeps Flora up while he's drunk and shows my body to some creepy old man-" "He's not creepy." I bit my lip and laid back down. "Okay Miles, you do and think what you want but I'm tired. Last chance, come cuddle me." He sighed but laid back in bed, wrapping his arms around me and placing my head under his. I was safe with him. I had nothing to worry about.

I woke up to Miles's quiet sleep mumbles. I can't have one good night of sleep. I sighed and rolled over to try to wake him. I froze, staring straight into the face of the one man I didn't want to see. I pulled my the sheets up to cover my body and swallowed the lump in my throat. "Quint, get out. You can talk to Miles in the morning." Quint chuckled, exhaling his foul breath in my face. I gagged and scooted away from him. "You're such a disgusting girl! You know that? Miles deserves waaaay better than you." I bit my tongue and looked at Miles who stirred for a moment.  "M-Miles-" Quint's glare made me shut my mouth. "Go back to sleep." Miles mumbled, rolling over. I tried to shake him awake but Quint placed his hand over my mouth, grabbing me.

I sobbed and struggled against his tight grip, reaching for Miles. Quint carried me out of the room and down the hall towards his room. I struggled some more, hitting him. I brought my leg down hard between his legs and he dropped me on the ground. Quint was standing between me and Miles's room so I turned and ran the other way, outside. I ran down the steps and through the grass, into the maze. I took turns until I was far enough in that I felt he couldn't find me. The sun would rise soon, it had to...

I sat down and tried to catch my breath, wiping my tears away. My cheeks had been cut by a loose branch when I was running and Quint's fingernails had dug into my skin. I took deep breaths to try and quiet down, I couldn't run anymore. My legs were exhausted and I was shaking. It was cold and I was barely wearing anything. I brought my legs up to my chest and tried to warm myself up.

Time skip

My body went numb a few hours ago but I'm still shaking. The sun had risen a little while ago, I was too scared to move. I heard the door to the house slam and faint footsteps that made my heart race. "Y/n!" Miles screamed. I started to cry again, screaming his name back to him. "Miles!" I heard more footsteps and he called my name again. "Miles!" I shouted back, crying uncontrollably. His footsteps got louder until he appeared from around the corner. I gathered the energy to try and stand up but a moment later Quint rounded the corner as well.

I let out a loud scream and backed away, running deeper into the maze. "Y/n! Wait!" Miles caught up with me, wrapping his arms around my body. "Fuck baby, you're freezing." Quint walked towards us and I sobbed louder. "What's wrong?" He asked, making me look at him. "Q-q-quint!" I whined, gasping for air. "No, no, no. He helped me find you, doll. He told me he saw you go into the maze. Why are you in here?" I felt my whole world start to close in as my legs gave out beneath me.

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