Chapter 10

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I do not feel like going to work today, but I have to because I want to apologize to Miss Knight. 

Unfortunately for me, my mother found out about what I did to Miss Knight and she was livid. She really likes Miss Knight, she sees her as her second daughter. So, she wants me to apologize to her. Personally, I was going to apologize to her myself anyways. 

I reached my company and I took my private elevator from the garage. I was coming out of the elevator when I heard Miss Knights voice,

"Good morning Mr Williams, here is your coffee" 

But  when I look at the owner of the voice, I did not see Miss Knight. A strange woman handed a cup of coffee to me. 

She continued talking, but I didn't hear a thing because I was busy looking at her. She has Miss Knights voice, but she doesn't look like Miss Knight. A hand waving in front of my face brought me out of my thoughts. 

I grabbed her hand and asked; 

"Who are you?" 

She looked at me bewildered at my question, 

"Ummm, its me Miss Knight........ your assistant", she said while i just kept looking at her. She looks different, like when she was at the club the other night. She even removed her hair from its normal bun and she braided it. And her clothes, accentuates her model like figure. Fuck, I wasn't expecting this, how am i going to apologize to her without ogling her. 

"O-ok Miss Knight" i said with hesitation in my voice, which has never happened before. I never hesitate. I quickly cleared my throat and said;

"Get me the necessary files for the contract with Mr Marco and meet me at the conference room". 

"Ok sir". 

I walked back to the elevator and when the door closed, i let out a deep sigh. Today's gonna be a long day. 

I walked in to the conference room and found Mr Marco and his lawyer already seated. 

"Good morning Mr Marco, i hope you haven't been waiting too long". I greeted. 

"Ha, Mr Williams don't worry, i just got here. Now can we get this over with". 

"Of course". 

Miss Knight walked in and she gave me the file that contains the contract. 

As she walked to take her seat, i noticed Mr Marco looking at her way to long than necessary. That action made me angry, so i hit my fist on the table and startled everyone in the room. I heard a squeal from Miss Knight and Mr Marco looks scared. He better be, i cleared my throat and said, 

"Let's start by going through the clauses in the contract, shall we". 

"Y-yes l-lets do that", Mr Marco stuttered. 

30 minutes later 

"I guess that is all we need to discuss, can we sign the contract now". 

"Ha yes" Mr Marco said 

Miss Knight gave me my pen and I signed, then Mr Marco signed too. We shook hands and Mr Marco and his lawyer left with a big smile on their faces. Greedy bastard, he thinks made a huge gain from this deal. He won't be smiling when he sees the huge profit I will be making from his restaurants…… well my restaurants now. 

I noticed Miss Knight packing up the files on the table. I watched her silently, her long braids started disturbing so she packed it up into a ponytail. She picked up the files delicately and arranged them neatly. 

She suddenly looked up at me and i quickly turned my head to the other side. Wow that was close, she didn't catch me staring. 

Fuck, why was i even staring, she is your assistant Brandon, i said to myself. 

I looked at her and said, "Lets go, i think Ethen will be here soon". 

"Ok sir", she said softly. 

I started walking back to my office with Miss Knight following behind me. 

When we reached my office I found Ethan already sitting on my chair, spinning with the chair. 

Ah, typically Ethan, the guy is a child trapped in a grown mans body. I didn't even acknowledge him, i asked Miss Knight to bring coffee for the both of us, she quickly left after dropping the files on my table and greeting Ethan with a smile on her face. 

"Ethan get out of my chair and stop acting like a child" I said. 

"Brandy i know you love me the way i am", he said as he got up from my chair. " Anyway Kiara looks beautiful today, i didn't think she will ever change her dressing style". I sat on my chair confused, so i asked, 

"Umm who is Kiara?" 

And Miss Knight walked in as i was asking, she froze when she heard what i said and Ethan has a shocked look on his face. 

Did i say something wrong? 
Yay, Brandon has started catching feelings for Kiara.
Hi guys i so happy to post this chapter super early. I just want to thank you guys for encouraging me. I want to dedicate this chapter to Tomboyonly and KiaraBingham03. Thank you guys for voting and commenting.
Pls dont forget to vote and comment. Love you guys❤️❤️😍😍

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