Then Viserys returned to bed and took his lady in his arms and hugged a little.

Alecor heard about the news and got the idea that Alerah would make the Prince in a good mood and he also heard about the incident from the couple himself and left them alone for the night.

But one person did not take it so well at all and inside Lady Arianna she had been sleepless all night and just thought about them all the time.

She cried tremendously with heartfelt desire to get that chance again and be near Viserys and hug his neck and get his attention and loved ones with her too.

Why, why, why, she could not understand that he just abandoned her and left her aside. Not a word to say he did not want her anymore.

But Arianna knew that this night was to avenge her intrusion that night. Arianna could see how angry and tiring Viserys was that night but not a word he said about the mistake she made.

But what would she do? She tried to access his presence and say how much she missed him.

Arianna noticed that the morning light had arrived further into the room and got up from her bed with red eyes of sadness.

She did not want to go out today because of Visery's betrayal. The man she loved with all her heart just crashed and cracked.

Such a pain it went in her body on her. No one could see her like this and she could not go and meet everyone after all the talk that she is Prince Visery's favorite in his life.

But she wanted to make sure that nothing could crush her pride and personality. Just then her door was knocked on and Talia and two other maids came in to prepare for breakfast. Talia quickly discovered her Lady's health and realized that she had discovered something herself that got her sink to such a position.

Talia asked the others to hurry up and place their Lady's things that she would be wearing today.

Talia approached Lady Arianna and asked how she was feeling but no answer came out but a faint cry came out instead.

Talia told her to get up and eat the food that had been served to her.

Arianna pulled the blanket away from her and stood up and sat down with an untied morning coat.

"Alerah!" Arianna said in a quiet but angry and vengeful voice to herself.

She wanted such an angry revenge on this Alerah and she just had to see her and see what kind of witch has enchanted a Targaryen like this.

What did she want? What is she looking for? Or is she a lover of love who tries to win over everyone else who is in line? She would not win so easily. Never!

Back at Visery's bedroom, the young couple sat together at the dining table and ate a good breakfast and Alecor had also arranged a tray of food and drink.

"How do you know why you gave me a day off?" Alerah asked.

"I'll tell you later after breakfast. Why are you in such a hurry?" Viserys smiled.

"Because you're too ridiculous and secretive. Why are you so slow." Alerah said and Viserys pushed her away a little to make her stop teasing but he did not take it so seriously.

But they sat and ate their food, and then Visery's four servants and two women arrived, all wearing garments and accessories that would fit in with the outfit. But only the main character would choose everything.

But Alerah so the ladies had a nice clear red dress with them and a small box with stuff. Alerah assumed it was all for her but was a little shy to go ahead and admit it to herself.

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