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Slowly out from the darkness beyond the broken factory door came a claw that was all too familiar with me now, the claw of a Malakist. I gritted my teeth, waiting for the rush, the rest of the Malakist followed the claw and many more after it.

Snarling beasts now circled me growling and snapping powerful jaws, I slowly revolved on the spot, my posture low and as I turned the largest Malakist stopped to face me. I also stopped to face it and we were looking into each other's eyes, the large Malakist's matted fur shivering as it breathed, its jaw agape, teeth presented. It barked loudly and I smiled grimly, I flicked my arms and with a smooth motion and a deep ratcheting sound a pair of dual gun barrels flicked out of my forearm covers and handles with triggers slipped into the palms of my hands. The largest Malakist howled and I raised both my arms to point at it before, with a grin, I pulled the triggers.

There was an explosion of sound as a burst of rounds slammed into the Malakits face from the guns on my arms. Blood sprayed everywhere as the rest of the Malakits howled before hurling themselves at me with murderous intent, I spun on the spot and released hail after hail of rounds into the various Malakists flinging their lifeless bodies aside amidst the flashes and chatter of my guns. Soon however my HUD was flashing with a warning sign telling me that my ammo was low despite only having killed a third of the Malakists, "crap" I muttered irritated as a Malakist lunged at me. My instinct was to crush it with TK but I needed to test the exo, so instead I leapt backwards, however the exo was enhancing my abilities so instead of leaping back half a meter I flew backwards over the heads of the remaining Malakists to land with a solid clatter from my armoured boots as I bent my knees and leant forward to support myself with my hand on the ground as I slid backwards a little.

"Holy shit!" I exclaimed as I watched the Malakists turn to face me, that was a good 10 meters! I was smiling like a kid in a sweet shop now as the Malakists ran towards me again barking, jaws snapping, let's see what other tricks this thing can do! I bent my knees as the Malakists were almost on top of me and then pushed upwards, the motors in the suit joints significantly increased the power of the leap but it was nothing however to the burst of flame let loose by the jets built into the pack part of the suit on my back.

The burst pushed me even higher into the air and this launched me so high that I reached the roof of the factory and I grabbed hold of a metal support that was hanging out the side of the factory wall. I hung there, easily supporting my body weight the suit doing most of the work, and I looked down to see the Malakists circling below me snarling up at me. "Fuck yeah!" I said awe inspired by the agility and mobility of the exo, I looked forward and saw a rusted catwalk a fair distance away from me. 'Well I can't do much with my arms occupied like this' I thought so I lowered my left arm from the support I was gripping to aim it at the catwalk. With a thought a box like device extended out of my forearm and it promptly fired a small metal hook, with a concussive pop, that trailed a black metallic looking cord as it flew the air.

The hook and the cord reached the catwalk in a split second and wrapped itself around the catwalk handrail. Another thought and the motors in the box screamed at it reeled me towards the catwalk, I reached the catwalk and then caught the handrail before flipping myself over onto it. The hook seemed to untangle itself as it collapsed into a slim cylinder and it and the cord was reeled back into the box extension in a blink of an eye. I was leaning over the side of the catwalk however to ponder what I was going to do about the remaining Malakists down below as they continuously circled beneath me.

I combed through the implanted memories I had of the suit again and after a moment of spacing out I found something that looked promising, so I straightened up shook myself and threw myself off the catwalk. I fell gracefully through the air and at the last moment I whipped out my right arm to fire another grappling hook at another support. This made me swing forward in a wide arc and as I swung over the Malakists, just out I reach of their snapping jaws, my left leg armour disgorged a cloud of small round beads. They clattered onto the ground around the Malakists and as I swung away quickly I looked back with a grin before saying "detonate".

A chain of large explosions ripped through the Malakists as I swung away throwing their now torn and broken corpses in every direction. I faced forward just as I was reaching the end of my swing to tell the grapple hook to release the support mentally and then reaching forward with my hands and feet to latch onto the smooth concrete wall of the factory just like a gecko as various surfaces on my gloves and boots glowed slightly blue. Suddenly a voice rang through the factory, "well done Jason!" Said Scott over the intercom, the factory settings now were fading out to make way to the original square room that I had been in before.

Scott and the others now entered the room again and I leapt from the wall flying through the air to land with a heavy thud in front of everyone as the ground around my feet cracked. Bull whistled softly as the others looked at me, "what a great demonstration!" Cried Scott as I got to my feet "it's great!" I replied enthusiastically as Scott approached me "just by itself it's effective and I haven't even used all the functions!". Everyone raised an eyebrow at that as I went on, "I can use standard guns too right?" I asked Scott as he went over my exo "the exo doesn't have much ammo so". "Sure you can!" Replied Scott as he came round to face me before pressing the studs in my left shoulder strap again. The exo rapidly folded back into the pack form and sat on my back looking unremarkable, "now" said Scott turning to the rest of the squad "we have a combat test to run against UEFP maggots!!"

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