1- willex (their first encounter)

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Alex's pov
I had just got ran over by this boy on a skateboard. I was surprised since I am a ghost after all. He had introduced himself as Willie. After he introduced himself he took of his helmet he was wearing and out fell beautiful long brown hair. I think i just got some gay panic at that moment because wow was he cute.

Oh did i mention i'm gay? well i am. I don't know if he noticed me staring at him because i think i got love at first sight.

After this we ended up talking on a bench outside some place in hollywood. I actually had a great time and i think i have a crush on him- I wonder if he might like me back because if he does i would be like a happy puppy.

Willie's pov
I had run over this boy with my skateboard riding in hollywood. I was surprised to find another ghost (and a cute one at that) but i had asked him to come with me and i would answer some of his questions he had about being ghosts and stuff.

We ended up talking for a while and not going to lie i had a great time and i felt really happy for the first time in a little while. Also at one point in our conversation I think I had caught him staring at me- I think he was checking me out but I don't even know. He could be straight for all I know. But if he isn't that would be completely fine because i'm gay myself. I haven't really told anyone though because I never felt the need to. That was until i met Alex.

I know this isn't great because this is the first ever piece of fanfiction i've ever wrote but if you like it thanks and see you in the next chapter. :)

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