Forgotten....? 1

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Hello everyone!

A girl is shown,  who was in her beauty sleep... But suddenly she start sweating, she was taking someone's name "V" don't leave me! I love you.. (in her dream)

But I don't love you , The man said whose face was not clear... And he walked off from there!

The girl waked up and shouted “Vansh”! She was breathing heavily!....

She looked at her surroundings and took a long sigh... She walked towards the window and opened the curtains!  She breathed fresh air! (That girl is Ridhima)

Ridhima's POV

It's been one weeks to our break -up. The person who said that he will never leave me... Broke our relation in just seconds. The only line he said that "he don't love me and wants to move on with his true love"

I looked the piece of paper in front of me or you can say the newspaper. It's headlines reads

Vansh Rai Singhania is going to marry his love life Ragini Malhotra!!

A lone tear escaped from my eyes!
If he can move on , so what's my problem I'll also move on... But deep down I know that I'll definitely miss him.... But he already forgotten so what will I  do!

I checked the time, And thought go for a shopping. Let's spend some  me time! I picked the dress and got ready and went out checking the lock for three times! ( yeh ma hu ek lock ko 2 sa 3 times khichungi)

I roamed around the shopping mall for 2 to 3 hours, but I didn't liked anything! I was really missing him... Everytime he brought me something without my consent and I really liked his choice.... I smiled remembering our moments..

I hit myself and said Ridhu stop thinking about him... He have already forgotten you and moved on.

I was walking towards my favorite cafe, suddenly I feel dizzy and everything in front of my eyes got black and I fell on the road... I was listening everything... Screeching of the tires... Someone is shouting and then....!

End of POV!
Man's POV..

I was driving in high speed, because I wanted to reach home early... If I didn't reach then my mom will definitely kill me, it's an important day and I'm roaming here and there. But suddenly there came a girl in front of my car and got unconscious... Oh god! Now what's the problem, I walked out of the car and looked at girl.. She was really looking pale and I can't leave anyone here in this middle road.. So I picked her up and left for the hospital! My phone was ringing continuously, but I ignored it !

I admitted her to hospital.. And it's been almost 2 hours she didn't get her conscious, now I'm getting restless...

There came  doctor and I run towards him!

Man - How is she?

Doc - She is fine... She was skipping her food from past one weak and because of that she fall week!

Man - Can I meet her?

Doc - Ya of course Mr..

Man - Kabir!

Doc - Okay Mr. Kabir!

I entered the room and saw her lying there and looking at me with a confused face!

Kabir - Hi! How are you feeling now?

Ridhima - I'm fine.. Who are you?

Kabir - I'm kabir!

Then I narrate her the whole story and she thanked me....Her name is Ridhima.. Cute right.

I asked her about her family so that I can tell me them, but she told me that's she is orphan and there is no for her.

Kabir - I'm sorry for asking this question!

Ridhima - It's alright! So, what you do?

Kabir - I'm a business man and you?

Ridhima - Party planner!

Kabir - Okay That's nice, so let's go?

Ridhima - where?

Kabir - To my home..

As I said this, she was scared and confused... I clear her misunderstanding that she will live at my home till she got fine! And I am  having  a big family.. Mom, dad and siblings.. So she don't have to be scared. But she is very stubborn, so I asked her to arrange the wedding which is going to take place at my home in few days... And I'll pay her also.... And the next line she said was the best line!  She said that she will
come with me!

So we both left for my house!
End of POV!

Ridhima's POV

After driving for 20 minutes we finally reached his home! In the whole way we talked to each other and gradually became good friends! Now I'm standing in front of his home... Opps Mansion... He is a very big business man. And there is some decorations already.. May be something.. So I asked him is there anything?

Kabir - Yes it's my brothers engagement!

Ridhima - oh!

When we were entering the mansion I listen a familiar voice! "Mom where is kabir" I thought for a minute but I shrugged it off!

Kabir was holding me, his one hand was on my waist and other hand was holding mine! As I was still weak... But his touch was friendly so I didn't feel uncomfortable!

Kabir - I'm here bro!  Engagement is yours not mine.... So, why are remembering me... As I'm not that special.. Or I'm!

I chuckled at his behavior, because I know he is type of man who can Joke anytime... In a serious mode too!

He was holding my hand so we both walked together to the stage... But the view in front of eyes was not bearable!
I'm back with the new is and I realized that this os will be a little long , so I divided into two... Next part will be update soon! 😁

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Bye! Cheers 🥂! Enjoy 🌺

(Ignore the grammatical mistakes)

Stay safe stay at home! 🧡

Love you all! 💖

Today I was watching 1st episode of Immj 2, so this came and I was laughing like a mad. And then I thought if these pictures were delivered to VRS!  Then what would happen?🤣🤣

Just tell me in comments if this picture anyhow reached to Vansh how would he have been reacted 😂!

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