CHAPTER 2: Halloween Death

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一IT WAS A EARLY MORNING WHEN LILY POTTER WAS AWOKEN FROM HER SLUMBER TO THE SOUND OF ONE OF HER SONS CRYING. Lily got up out of bed and walked into Hadrian and Alexander's room to see only Hadrian crying, she nor James understood why Alexander never cried, not even when he was born he cried.


Lily walked and picked Harry up and put him on the changing table. After she changed Harry and put him back in the crib she walked over to Alexander and picked him up "Alex, are you hungry?" questioned Lily (Even though Alex was only 15 months old he could understand what his parents or godfathers said) Alex nodded his head. Lily puts Alex back in his crib and walks downstairs to the kitchen and makes Alexander's bottle.


After Lily makes it she walks back upstairs to the twins' room, and picks Alex up in her arms, and feeds him with a bottle. As soon as Lily put Alex down and went downstairs to put the bottle in the sink she saw James trying to fight off Voldemort "Lily take the twins, and go! It's him! I'll hold him off! Said, James. Lily ran up the stairs to the twins' room, but when she got to the top of the stairs she heard Voldemort yell "AVADA KEDAVRA!"


Lily ran faster into the twins' room and locked the door. About five minutes later Voldemort said "Evanesco." and the door to the twins' room vanished. Voldemort got closer and closer to Lily and the twins and Lily knew this was the last time she would ever see her kids again. She knew she was going to die but she couldn't do anything about it. Her wand was in her bedroom and she couldn't move. She felt like she was paralyzed. Voldemort, on the other hand, was confused as to why the crimson-haired twin was not crying; usually, a little kid would be crying or petrified in this situation but Alexander was calm. Lily was crying like there was no tomorrow; in which there wasn't for her. As Voldemort was about to say something Lily fell to the ground and said "Not Harry and Alex! Please . . . have mercy . . . have mercy.'' She was sacrificing herself for her kids. But before Lily knew it a green light flashed out of Voldemort's wand and she was dead.


After Voldemort had killed Lily he had his wand aimed at the twins. "AVADA KEDAVRA!" shouted Voldemort. The curse hit Harry's forehead then Alex's shoulder then hit Voldemort which killed him for now but not forever. One of the neighbors next to the Potter's in Godric's Hollow heard the noise and reported it.


When someone came it was Dumbledore, Sirius, Minerva, Remus, and Lucius. Lucius came because Remus and him were talking over coffee and Remus got called to come to Godric's Hollow. When everyone got there they saw the massive hole in front of the house and walked in. "We should go check the kitchen," says Dumbledore. Minerva nods her head and all of them walk into the kitchen. "OH MY GOSH!" yelled Minerva in fear. "What's wrong Minerva?" Remus asked. "Oh gosh. . .," said Sirius. "Lucius, can you go check upstairs?" asked Remus. "Fine." "Thank you."


Lucius walks upstairs and into the twins' room to see Lily's dead body on the floor, a black-haired child crying, and a crimson-haired child looking at him. "Oh, he actually killed her in front of her kids wow." Lucius looked at the crimson-haired twin to see him making grabby arms to him. "You want me to actually pick you up?" Alex nodded. "How can this kid know what I'm talking about isn't he just 15 months old?" thought Lucius. Lucius goes and picks up Alex and walks down the stairs with Alex in his arms.

Lucius walks into the kitchen when Dumbledore looks at him and says "You actually pick up one of James and Lily's kids Lucius I'm shocked." "This kid is scary. He can understand what you are saying and he didn't cry when he saw his dead mother," said Lucius with a bit of fear. "Oh that's normal for Alex he won't cry even if he falls down the stairs," says Sirius "Oh."


"So we should call the Ministry of Magic shouldn't we?" asked Minvera. "Yes, I'll contact them," says Dumbledore. "So, is Lily dead?" asked Sirius, while looking down at the floor. "Yes. . ." Sirius looks away and walks up the stairs to go get Harry. "So do you think we should keep the twins together or separate them?" asked Minvera. "Separate them," says Dumbledore as he walks into the room. "Why Dumbledore?" "So they might have a least likely chance of remembering each other." "Ok. . ." "WHY ON EARTH WOULD YOU WANT TO SPLIT THEM UP!" Yelled Sirius with Harry in his arms. "Don't question it Sirius just let him be," Minvera spoke, in a calming tone. "Fine." "How about we take Harry to Lily's relatives and Alexander can stay with Sirius, Remus, or Lucius. He seems like he is very fond of Lucius." "Alright Dumbledore, it's settled then. We will take Harry to Lily's sister's house and Alexander can stay with Sirius." "I'll pack up Alex's things," says Remus "Because you will probably forget things, Sirius." Remus walked upstairs to pack Alex's things. "Stupid Remus not letting me do anything," muttered Sirius.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2021 ⏰

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