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(y/n) POV

"(y/n), you did well today. Your tables only bring good reviews, keep it up.", the manager said handing me my paycheck. I smiled giving him a nod and leaving to get home. On my way I could see May and Xio waiting for me.

"Hey (y/n), Xio waited with me so I wouldn't be lonely. C'mon let's get home.", May exclaimed happily exiting the restaurant. I only shook my head, letting out a chuckle.

Xio now stood next to me, looking out the glass door at May's antics. "So remind me why do you drive her to and from work. Doesn't she have her own car?", ze asked walking out with me.

"She does, but since we're neighbors we just take my car for work. Other occasions she uses hers, so she doesn't bother me." I explained.

Ze nodded saying zir goodbyes, heading to zir car. I got into the driver side of mine, seeing May on her phone. Starting up the car, we made our way home.

The drive was mostly quiet, making a comfortable silence. We pulled into my driveway, May getting out.

"Bye (y/n), have a good weekend!", she yelled heading to get house. I waved her off, opening the front door.

"(y/n), welcome back. How was work?", my mother asked setting a tea cup down. Walking over, I gave her a kiss on the cheek.
"It was good mom. Is Tommy already home from school?"

She nodded, not saying anything as if waiting. Then I heard it, the loud string of curses. I chuckled heading up the stairs, stopping at his door. I gave a knock waiting for his response.

"Mum, I'm live!", he yelled through the door. I let out a small laugh. "It's me Tommy. Just letting you know I'm home, if you need anything.", I said loud enough he could hear, but his mic wouldn't pick it up.

He let out a loud 'okay', before going back to whatever he was doing before hand. I trudged to my room, falling onto my bed with a satisfied sigh. Slowly sleep pulled me in, letting my mind shut down.

「 Time Skip」

I awoke to loud knocking on my door, making me groan for being disturbed. The knocking stopped for a second, causing me to relax again. Until it came back, but louder. I slowly got up opening the bloody door.

There stood Tommy dressed in his iconic shirt and a pair of jeans, seeming ready to go somewhere.

"What is it that you need?", I yawned out looking up at him. Even if he was younger, he had to be at least o few inches taller than me. It was kinda unfair he got the tall genes instead of me.

"Get dressed big (y/i), cause I'm in the mood to vlog and I need a driver.", he said holding up a video camera. It seemed to not be on yet.

I narrowed my eyes at him as if he was joking. "What type of vlogging?", I asked, silently hoping it wasn't live.

"Live! I was thinking going to the arcade." Tommy seemed to notice my grumpy look adding, "I'll make sure to keep you out of frame, and you'll probably be filming most of the time."

I let out a sigh, agreeing to drive him. Shutting the door to get ready to go out. I looked through my wardrobe looking for a nice, casual pair of clothes. Settling for a pair of black ripped jeans, a regular t-shirt, and a hoodie with a small shark over the heart.

Grabbing my phone, I headed down stairs. The smell of bacon and eggs filled my nose as I entered the kitchen. My dad was standing in front of the stove, while my brother and mum sat at the table.

I joined them taking a seat next to Tommy, who was tweeting about the vlog. Mum gave me a soft smile as I sat. I returned the smile, just as dad set our breakfast in front of us.

"So where are you two going?", dad asks sitting next to mum.

Tommy starts talking about today's plan. I on the other hand stayed silent, eating my eggs.

Once we finished breakfast, Tommy and I headed out the door; me grabbing my keys on the way. He hopped into the passenger seat buckling up. I did the same, starting the car and backing out of the driveway.

"Remember don't go live until we are far enough away from the house.", I reminded him as I drove.

After we passed two stop lights he went live. He had the camera pointed at his face, smiling. "Hello everyone! Today we are going to the arcade! You guys get to see me win some games."

He continued talking to his chat until we pulled up to the building. He jumped out, rounding the car and handing me the camera to film. We went inside,e filming as he played some games. It was all-in-all fun, watching Tommy film or get excited when he won.

At the moment I was filming him playing the claw machine. The claw wouldn't pick up the stuffy, causing me to chuckle at his suffering. It was about his fifth try and right as he lowered the claw everything went downhill for me.

A kid had ran into me, causing the camera to fall out of my grip. The child yelled an apology, running off. Reaching down I picked up the camera.

I had picked it up facing me...

Quickly I turned it back to Tommy, who held a raccoon plushy and looking down at his phone. "Chat what do you mean 'who was that'?", he asked still looking down at his phone.

"Tommy, I think they saw my face..", I exclaimed to which he looked up at me.

Sighing he took the camera and pointed it at me. I immediately tried to shy away from him, but gave up seeing no point.

"Chat. Meet my older brother,   (y/n).", Tommy said, camera pointed at me.

My life is going to change.

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