Chapter 1: New Neighbor

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     Senpai gulped as he knocked on the door, and from behind the wooden slab he could hear movement. The door opened moments later and Senpai recognized the person's face instantly.

"Spirit! Hi!" Senpai spoke cheerfully, wanting to greet his new neighbor (and hopefully friend, although most of his friendships didn't last for long).

"Senpai? You know when I said I just moved here I didn't mean 'come actively search for me'." Spirit sighed, the door was still open and Senpai could see the mess inside, boxes scattered everywhere.

"Huh? Oh no, I'm your neighbor! I just now noticed the moving van, that's all."

"The van? Dude that's been here since yesterday morning. Unless you were out all day, which would explain why I'm only now meeting you."

"Oh, I was... sleeping, then nighttime hit and I woke up and decided to get something to eat at the bar!" Senpai explained.

"You mean drink?" Spirit corrected.

"Yeah, that!"

"...Right. Your telling me you slept all day? Until nighttime?" Spirit spoke skeptically, and Senpai shrugged.


"Jesus fucking christ you have a terrible sleep scheldule. Where exactly do you work that allows you to sleep through the day like that?"

"Oh, I actually work at that bar! They let me work nightshifts, I know the owner."

"Huh. I'll add that to the list of places I'd want to work at."

"You didn't come here because of like- a business trip?"

"I came here because it was the first cheap option. Parents kicked me out, something like that."

"Something like that..? Sounds like you don't even know why your here!"

"I mean- that's one way to put it..?" Spirit spoke quizzically, and Senpai let out a chuckle.

"Well anyway- think I can come in?"

     Senpai asked and Spirit gestured for Senpai to do so, holding the door open for him. Senpai entered and saw boxes scattered everywhere, some open and some shut. There was no furniture aside from a couch, and the paint on the walls were peeled. Senpai dared not to take off his shoes, due to the risk of getting a splinter.

"I'm surprised you didn't bring a housewarming gift of any kind, you seem like the type to do that."

"Housewarming wha- oh! Oh my god- I completely forgot! Wait- I might have something in my house, lemme just-" Senpai went to leave but Spirit quickly stopped him, grabbing his arm and pulling it.

"Hey- I don't need a housewarming gift. Besides, I'm more focused on unpacking right now."

"Oh- I can help!" Senpai looked outside, the blinds were extremely dusty and the sunlight illuminated said dust. Senpai did a doubletake as he saw the sunlight, and quickly shook his head.

"I mean- I would help, but the sun's out and I can't exactly be out in the sun for long..."

"Oh? I see, your one of those people who get sunburnt easily."

"What makes you say that?"

"Your pale as shit, which means you don't go out much. Then again it could just be low iron or your shitty sleep scheldule, but something tells me I was spot on with the sunburnt idea."

"Well- yeah, spot on... But! I can maybe help from inside!"

"...How good are you at setting up rooms?" Spirit asked suddenly and Senpai was taken aback.


"Like- choosing what room is what, and like... putting furniture in certain spots."

"Oh... Oh! Yeah, I'm pretty solid at that!"

"Cool. So like, I already know where the bathroom and kitchen are gonna be, but I have no fucking idea what the rest is gonna look like. Think you can help?"

"Sure! Just bring the furniture inside and we can begin!"

"Alright, let's do this!"

     The two spent the day unpacking, despite Senpai being completely exhausted he was happy to help a new pal. However long their friendship would last, however, was completely down to fate, or so Senpai believed. Senpai wanted to go to sleep, but fought against the tiredness anyway. I'll just have to eat a little more tonight... Senpai decided as he hummed a tune.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2021 ⏰

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