Just The Beginning

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It has been two weeks since Kyo was discharged from the hospital. We spent days going over the plans for the upcoming war against the silver moon pack. My father was strong and we knew that. We needed all we could get from the other packs. Alpha Gomez and the other Alphas were in full support. Even Alpha Tate from my home town pack was gathering his best warriors. Still I knew I had to be the one to kill him. How I didn't know quite yet. However, I knew Kyo couldn't know of my plan once I formed one. Kyo loved me so much he would never allow me to hurt myself if it came to that.  
"Anna!" Kyo called for me from the office. 
"One second!" I set my coffee down on the table and made my way to the office. As soon as I made my way to the room Kyo opened his arms for me. A smile spread on my face as I quickly sat down on his lap. He snuggled my neck kissing my mark. 
"My Saki, did I ever tell you how beautiful you are?" I giggled at his charm and quickly kissed his cheek. I wanted to keep this moment just me and him forever. As if he could read my mind he spoke. "Me too my love." I felt my blush creep up as his green eyes peered at my bright blue eyes. He quickly sat me on the desk making quick work moving between my legs. Kissing me deeply. I could feel his wolf burning to escape and mine as well. I pulled at his hair and he quickly found my panties. Soon he began to rub my clit. I felt moans move from my lips and saw a smirk enter Kyo's. "Tell me what you want babygirl." His voice was husky and deep. My core was aching to be touched. 
"Please Kyo." I whispered. 
"Words baby." He whispered back. 
"Please finger me." I managed in a hush tone. A smile drew on his face as a finger entered me. He began to pump. Just when things were about to escalate Jason walks through the front door. "Kyo." I pushed to stop him. He got the message and realized what I was talking about. He moved his hand away and me back on to his lap. 
"Alpha Kyo, news has just come in." Jason said outside the office before entering. I quickly fixed my pants and messy hair. I nodded at Kyo. 
"Come in." Kyo spoke. Jason bowed too both of us. 
"Good morning Luna." He smiled at me. I respected him highly. Jason taught me a lot and he was the first to show respect for me as his Luna. 
"Good morning Jason." I smiled back. 
"Alpha Kyo, the Alphas have their pack ready whenever you are. Would you like to set a meeting for the plan?" He directed the question towards Kyo. 
"Yes. Have all the Alphas of each pack meet me tomorrow at noon. We have much to discuss. Tell them to bring their betas as well." Kyo replied. Without question Jason bowed and left. As he left I had so many questions. Kyo was so careful not tell me the plan. I didn't understand why. I needed answers. 
"Kyo." He hummed back at me as he flipped through papers. "What is the plan." He gave a big sigh. 
"I suppose I cannot keep you guessing. I didn't want to tell you. You had so much stress already, but I guess that's selfish." I looked at him begging for him to continue. "We are going to hit him at midnight.
We know the location of the pack. We plan to hit when they least expect. That's why night fall would be the best. Most warriors would be sleeping. Sure, they will have some night guards but easy to take out. From the information from our spy, we know when the Alpha sleeps and his quarters. We plan to have him killed in his sleep. He is less dangerous then. We have no idea what he is capable of and I believe this is the only way it may be done." I knew he was telling the truth; his wolf would have outed him out by now. He was right. We had no idea how dangerous he was to a full extent. Maybe this was the best way, but it sounded too easy. Too simple. I decided to keep my mouth shut until the other Alphas came maybe Alpha Gomez would have the same worry. I nodded and got up to go back and enjoy my coffee. Leaving Kyo with a kiss on his cheek. 
The next day at noon the Alphas and betas arrived as well as my hometown Alpha and my father. I got up to greet my Alpha right away. "Alpha Tate it's so nice to see you." I bowed. He stopped me. 
"Never bow to me. You are a Luna. Know that." I shared a smile with him and sat next to Kyo in his office.
"Papa." I gave him a tight hug. 
"My what beautiful eyes little one." He kissed in-between my eyes as always. As the Alphas packed in one Alpha came up to my seat directly. I could only guess that this man was Gomez. 
"Luna, it is so nice to see you. What a blessing it is to see you again." He smiled. I saw a hint of sadness in his eyes. And grabbed his hand and squeezed. I could feel his grief towards Sammatha. 
"Welcome." Kyo began. "As you well know the Alpha of the Silver Moon pack has threatened my mate. At first, we thought it was her life but now we know the truth. My beautiful mate here is a special wolf. She shares Alpha blood in her but I'm sure you all knew that. The alpha plans to brain wash her to become as twisted as him. My Luna is good woman who wishes to lead my pack with me. She is nothing like her father as you all have witnessed. Not only is this Alpha targeting my pack, but he plans to wipeout all packs." 
"Is he trying to play god?!" One of the Alphas said disgusted. Kyo raised his hand to stop the commotion. 
"Now knowing this information. We have to fight. I brought you here to discuss the plan as you are all well aware.." as Kyo was about to continue the doorbell rang. Jason went to get up but I stopped him. 
"I will answer it." I looked back at Kyo and he nodded an okay. While walking downstairs I saw both guards in the kitchen stuffing their faces. I laugh to myself. "No one heard the door." I joked with them. 
"Sorry Luna." They laughed back. I opened the door and no one was behind it just a piece of paper left on the doorstep. I looked around to find the other two guards taking a lap around the permitter. They couldn't have seen this. I unfolded the paper and it said two words. Our Spot. Who else knows about my brother and I's spot? I couldn't think anymore I dropped the paper and ran. I heard the guards calling me but I drowned them out.  All I could think was, who the hell was at my brother and I's spot. It can't be my brother I saw his dead body with my own eyes. As I met the creak of our spot no one was in sight. I panicked looking everywhere for anyone who could have known. Without warning two hands reached my temple and a strange woman before me. She began saying words I couldn't understand. One word. "Witch." I mouthed out. A bright blue light overflooded my eyes and everything went dark. 

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