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There was once a time when the borders beyond humanity were broken, and everything from the darkest thing from the darkest place to rainbow space cats entered into our universe.

But today I am going to tell you the tale of two demons who crawled out of the deepest darkest place in the world, worse than whatever sense of bad places humans have believed in. This was a place so awful that it doesn't even need a name. But we shall call it The Bad Place.- T.B.P for short.

I could go on, but it would probably last a long long time.


It all started when two demons rose from Hell-sorry T.B.P, different place-, but these were some of the worst demons, they were possessing demons.

Now possessing demons don't just possess people, sometimes they can possess inanimate objects too, this information isn't really needed to understand the story but if you ever encounter a possessing demon after the borders were broken it might come in handy.

And for possessing demons it is their nature to possess, but they have become so reliant on possessing, that they can't live without it. So these demons quickly located the area of the nearest humans, and the demons zoomed off to possess them.

Turns out that the nearest humans were in a little house off the side of the main village, hiding in the forest. In that house there lived a woodcutter, his wife, and their two children, whose names were Hansel and gretel. Now, the names Hansel and Gretel may sound familiar to you, if you are wondering whether it is the same Hansel and the same Gretel from the tale of Hansel and Gretel, where they find a house of candy and all that.

You would be correct. But the truth is what they told you in stories is not true.

People like to make fake versions of what really happened, sometimes so that they cover up something they don't want revealed, or sometimes because they want a quick buck.

Such as the woodcutter, Hansel and Gretles father. In the stories they said that he was very poor, when in fact he was not exactly rich but not poor either. The sympathy he received from the readers who thought they were helping people who needed it and gave him money was all part of his plan to get rich, so it was in fact the father who wrote the version you know- or at least was the inspiration, Hansel and Gretels parents are quite stupido- which is different from stupid -, so they couldent have possibly wrote it.

And now dear reader that you have a clue to what is going on, and some of the basic pointers,

Let's begin the story...


Once upon a time, two demons rose from the T.B.P, and ended up surrounded by a forest.

As they were possessing demons they needed to possess someone to survive, so they located the closest humans in the area -a cottage in the forest, just off the main village- and zoomed off. As they arrived at their location they spotted their targets.

Two children were playing in the backyard, "Hansel !" cried one, " what is it Gretel ?" replied the other.

Ahh so their names were Hansel and Gretel. The two demons looked at each other and nodded in agreement. Quick as a flash they had possessed the two children. At that moment their parents came, they were very stupido so when they saw their children lying on the ground with blank eyes and slightly tinted blue fog coming out of their mouths, they thought they just had the flu and left on their walk.

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⏰ Última actualización: Jul 10, 2021 ⏰

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