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Sykkuno was just 18 going to college it was not his first day but he was 3 months in

Sykkuno would always look at the tattoo he carried for the longest time

Sykkuno heard about soulmates all his friends already had their soulmates

Sykkuno felt left out cause he was the only one without a soulmate

And according to Sykkuno's research if you don't find your soulmate then you just don't have one until you find them so nothing bad happens to you when you don't find them

Sykkuno always wondered would he even find his soulmate

The tattoo was a red rose Sykkuno loved it, it was a gorgeous red rose

But it wasn't completed sadly it just showed the rose without its stem

Sykkuno wasn't paying attention when the professor called his name "Sykkuno are you listening?"

Sykkuno turned his gaze up and smiled nervously "Sorry I won't get distracted again sir" Sykkuno apologized and the professor just nodded and continued the lesson

Sykkuno looked around the room saw people flirting or just talking

Sykkuno looked at Rae's tattoo on her arm it was a beautiful red gem and it was completed cause there was a blue gem next to it

Sykkuno sighed until class was over Sykkuno got his things and went to the lockers when Rae approached him

"Hey Sykkuno!" Rae chirped and Sykkuno smiled turning his gaze towards Rae

"Hi Rae" Sykkuno said happily "Have you found your soulmate yet?" Rae asked and Sykkuno sighed "No I haven't" Sykkuno looked down

"Oh come on Sykkuno you'll find them eventually" Rae smiled and Sykkuno smiled and nodded and started to walk outside to be greeted by their friends

"Hey guys!" Leslie cheered "HAI!!!" Rae smiled

"Sykkuno hi it's been a while where you been?" Poki smiled hugging Sykkuno and backing away

"Oh I've been just trying to find my soulmate" Sykkuno said nervously "You haven't found yours yet?!" Jack said surprised

"Oh come on Sykkuno's soulmate come out!!!!" Jack yelled making the group giggle "Well I have to go see y'all later" Poki waved and left with Leslie

Jack left with his soulmate and the others left too and it was just Rae and Sykkuno

"Do you wanna hang at my house?" Rae asked "Nah I'm good I just wanna focus on finding them" Sykkuno said "Okay bye Sykkuno!" Rae waved and Sykkuno soon left also

My Love For You||Corpsekkuno FanFic||(Discontinued)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora