You have managed to irrigate the patient's stab wound and, using a local anaesthetic, suture it. The wound isn't his only injury however, as his left arm is clearly broken due to blunt force trauma, so you put it in a sling. He has some other minor cuts and bruises which you take care of as well.

He has been drifting in and out of consciousness for three days now. He groans in pain every now and then, especially when you change his bandages and administer antibiotics to him. You was his body with a cloth, the way you'd sometimes seen the nurses do with ICU patients, and honestly, you're not sure that you're doing it right. You dress him in your grandfather's old clothes, that are loose and breathable compared to his tattered coat.

Sometimes he whispers things, and turns in his sleep eliciting a pained groan from his wounds, but he is largely immobile. You're worried about his nutrition, as there are no TPNs to give him here, and he is bound to wake up soon. For now all you're doing is administering electrolytes through his IV line. You don't have much food in here as you weren't planning on using it anyway. Therefore, on the fourth day, after cleaning and dressing his wound, you decide to go shopping.

The shopping complex is a bit of a distance from your house, and that is because this place is in the outskirts of a city, but is basically the middle of nowhere. There are a few houses scattered along the woods until you reach the settlement where the people who work on the large Cocoa Plantation farm live with their families. The shopping complex is located in this region and it is basically like a small farming village. The shopping complex does not have a lot of shops, but has all the essentials that the poor families living here need, including a garage, grocery store and a clinic and one of the pharmacies your grandfather owned.

To be honest, you have no idea how long your house guest will stay, and he is the one you're shopping for, after all, you're still planning on dying when he finally leaves. No one knows you here, so nobody talks to you. It's just the way you like it, it's the reason why you moved to this remote area, after all. As you do your shopping, it occurs to you that you don't know what your patient likes, so you just buy what you used to buy when you were doing groceries for your ex-boyfriend.

Thinking about your ex brings everything back to the surface, and you're restless the entire drive home. For someone who lost everything in the span of three hours, and spent the rest of that year in a deep depression filled with pain and solitude, you wonder what exactly it is that you're doing taking care of a serial killer. In the past couple of days, you've done your research on him, and apparently, the gang that he led had fallen, thus he'd resorted to taking out his frustrations by killing people. There is no particular pattern in the victims, they range from criminals, to civilians, to politicians, men, and women alike. The only pattern is that the murders were done with a strange shaped knife, and all the victims were stabbed in the abdomen as well. They were all brutal, clearly the work of a madman, they had even dubbed him a manslayer.

So what merit is there in saving a man like that? A worthless life saving another worthless life? What bullshit, your life already lost its meaning months ago. Why is the manslayer holding on to his life? What more is there for him to do in this life? You sigh, letting the thoughts consume you as you finally park your car at home. Grabbing two of the grocery bags, you walk up to your door, and you unlock it.

You nearly drop the bags when a knife is pointed at your throat.

"Don't...move." The voice is breathy, clearly he is struggling to breathe.

Gently you put down the bags. It's odd, you have no fear for your life. Perhaps a part of you thinks it would be better if you were murdered than if you killed yourself, however, as he is now, this person will not be able to hurt you.

Not Dead Yet (Eustass Kid x Reader)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ