Not dead yet

428 35 55

Trigger Warning: Heavy on suicidal thoughts.

If you are having suicidal thoughts and need help, please seek help here:


Today marks one year from the day of your greatest regret, so it is absolutely fitting that it be your last. This is as good a place as any in this area for you to end your life. It is a cliff by a lonely mountain road where trucks sometimes pass by from one city to the next. But it's quiet now, so if you fall from here no one will know.

Your car is parked on the side of the road, maybe someone will find it in a few days, or maybe someone will steal it . Once you fall from this cliff to the water in the river below, no one will find your body. This is for the best, you don't want to trouble anyone with your death, Lord knows you've caused enough trouble in the past year.

You stand on the cliff, the quiet mountain road behind you. Green trees litter the side of the road and you bask in their dark shade, as the warm morning sunlight sips through and burns your skin. There are no tears in your face only determination, after all this is what needs to happen, no one else needs to get hurt except for you. This is it, this is the end. You close your eyes, and you feel the wind in your face and just as you're about to move your feet, and jump down, you hear a sound.

It comes from the trees behind you, and you blink as you turn to the side, only to see someone walking through the trees holding onto them for dear life as he passes them by. He is groaning slowly, breathing heavily. It's a man. He is dressed in only some long leather pants and a torn up coat. The first thing you notice is that there is blood all over his front, and there is a wound on his abdomen that is bleeding profusely as he tries to walk. As you watch in surprise, wondering if this is real, the man falls to the ground in a heap. You glance down to the river where, had he appeared even a few seconds later, you would surely have been drowning in. You breathe, what to do? He is clearly dead on his feet, but you decide to just walk over there and look at the wound, you can't help it, as a healthcare professional, it's more of a reflex really... despite everything that happened last year.

However when you get closer to him you finally notice that he is familiar. His hair is a burning red in the sunlight and the scars on his face are terrifying , but you take a good look at his face, and even with his eyes closed, the distinctive scar that runs over his left eye is unmistakable coupled with that red hair. This the man that you've been seeing on the news for a while. The serial killer who murdered 13 people in the last two months and currently has the police on high alert looking for him. A sinner just like you, both at the edge of death. You can both pay for your sins by dying. You suppose it won't hurt to stay with him until he dies, then you can die afterwards.

A bloody hand suddenly grabs yours, and you look down as the man struggles to talk. "I....don't wanna...die...can't die yet..." he groans. ""

Why? You wonder in surprise. What could a man like him probably have to live for? Redemption? More darkness? Why did he cling to his worthless life?


"You must have the best luck in the world to run into a doctor when you're injured to the point of death." You say to your unconscious patient as you finally manage to lay the body down on the bed.

How did it end up like this? Why did you struggle to carry the man into your car, drive him to your home, and start nursing him? You weren't kidding about his luck. This house was left to you by your pharmacist grandfather when he passed away, and apparently, since noone had been staying here, he'd used it to store excess medication and medical devices for his pharmacy.

Not Dead Yet (Eustass Kid x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now