Every scream she caused, she made sure to remember it. Every scorched and charred body she sent up in flames, she kept those pictures locked away in her head. She was a monster, and she'd better remember it.

Finally, Brynn spotted Inej. And, just behind her with a knife in his hands, Oomen. She'd remembered a few things about some of the Black Tips' enforcer, the one who could supposedly crush skulls with his bare hands.

Even if she thought it was just rumors, she didn't want to take that chance. Brynn ran as fast as she could, creating spark after spark that she used to take down countless other enemies.

She saw the knife too late. Oomen stuck the knife in Inej's side, dragging her down with his big arms. Brynn ran faster, pumping her legs until she thought she might fall over. But it was all worth it when she reached them before Oomen could dig the knife even further.

Brynn reached out and burned Oomen's hand, releasing his grip from the knife. Inej slid to the ground, her eyes clenching from the pain. Just hold on a little longer, Inej, thought Brynn as Oomen turned to her, an unnatural glint in his eyes.

"So now I'm going to catch a Wraith and an Inferni?" He grinned. "Today's my lucky day."

Brynn struck her rings together again, holding the fire in her hands. "Lucky? No, today's your death-day."

Oomen cocked his head. "We'll see about that, witch."

She winced at the name, but slepped closer to him, glancing between him and Inej. Well, now she didn't have to hide her secret anymore.

Oomen dodged the first flame she threw at him, and then the next. He was big and fast, a combination that was both deadly and scary. Brynn continued to throw flames at Oomen, hoping one of them might actually hit him.

Brynn realized how close he was to her too late. Oomen struck her face with his large fist and she immediately fell to the ground. She tried getting another spark with her rings, until his meaty hands clamped a pair of handcuffs over her wrists. Brynn's eyes widened and Oomen laughed.

"I bet you weren't expecting that!" He hauled her up off the ground. "These were originally for the Heartrender, but an Inferni is just as good."

Brynn gritted her teeth and brought her arms up, giving him a nice punch with both fists to his head. Oomen stumbled back, but kept a firm grip on her.

"Feisty, this one," he grinned. "I like it!" Then, he pulled something out of his pocket. "But you're going to have to pay for that."

She felt the knife before she saw it. It was a searing pain, right in her abdomen, but it only got worse. Oomen laughed, digging the knife deeper.

"Think you've paid enough?" he teased.

"I think you talk too much," Brynn mumbled.

He dragged the deep knife across her stomach quickly, grinning all the way. He's insane, Brynn thought.

The pain was too much. It was searing hot and icy cold at the same time. Every time Brynn took a breath, she wasn't sure how long she was going to make it. Red stained her vision.

Oomen stepped back and Brynn took her chance. Slowly, she grabbed the hilt of the knife and pulled it out of her gut and, when Oomen wasn't paying attention to her and instead to Inej, Brynn stabbed him.

Blood was everywhere. Brynn couldn't breathe. Was this what dying felt like? If so, Brynn was glad she decided not to all those years ago. It hurt.

𝐍𝐎 𝐑𝐄𝐒𝐓 𝐅𝐎𝐑 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐖𝐈𝐂𝐊𝐄𝐃 // 𝐊𝐚𝐳 𝐁𝐫𝐞𝐤𝐤𝐞𝐫Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora