26- Celebrating Ron

Start from the beginning

"See you," I replied chuckling at her overreaction and watching her walk out of the room, all while making faces to emphasize her disgust for Ron.

Draco must've heard the whole conversation because he glared daggers into my eyes after me agreeing to hang out with the trio. This was a excellent example of an angry Draco.

"What's got you so upset?" I questioned him right as Hermione disappeared behind the door. "You know I enjoy hanging out with the trio and we've already spoke about the jealousy. Besides, I'm with you all the time."

"It's not about that," he mumbled, throwing on his clothes quickly and shutting the bathroom door behind him, the sink water immediately turning on.

I opened the door and frowned at the boy who was belligerently splashing and rubbing his face with water.

"We had a date didn't we, Draco?"

"No, it's fine. You're off with Ron for his birthday. We can always reschedule. I just thought you would care a little more."

"I forgot. I'm really sorry."

"It's fine. I've got to go now and get ready — as do you."

"Please don't be mad."

"I'm not."

"You're being dismissive; you're most certainly angry. I can tell. Please stop avoiding this. I don't want any more secrets or fights between us."

He turned to face me, gripping my shoulders tightly in his hands. "I'm not mad."

I sighed and nodded slowly, still only slightly believing him. He began to walk out of the room but abruptly paused, turning back guiltily.

He held my chin with his pointer finger and thumb and gave me a small kiss before heading back out of the door.

He didn't seem so mad anymore and I was definitely reassured considering the kiss was quite meaningful — or that's simply how I perceived it.

As Draco turned the corner, I spoke one last time, gaining his immediate attention.

"Do you still want to meet up? There will be plenty of time to hang out afterwards."

"Sure. See you then."

I nodded and then showered quickly, jumping into my clothing, and brushing my teeth soon after.

As time went on, noon crept closer and excitement bursted throughout me. Suddenly, Ron bursted through the door with Hermione and Harry by his side.

"Happy birthday!" I instantly shouted, tackling the tall ginger in a hug.

It was odd to think about Ron and my relationship. It went from platonic, to more-than-friends, to dating, to rivals, back to friends, and now I could consider us closer than ever before — although I'd have to admit that no one would ever compare to the friendship of Blaise and I.

Ron smiled down on me and began talking, distracting me from my reminiscing. "Thanks, y/n. Are you ready for Hogsmeade now?"

"Of course," I answered, grabbing a small purse from my closet and walking side by side with Ron, making small talk. "How have you all been?"

"Stressed," Harry understandably declared. It must be hard for him to constantly live with the fact that he could die at any given time, seeing as an evil wizard has been plotting his death for the past few years. Not to mention the Triwizard tournament in general is simply a death-trap.

"I'm sorry, Harry. Things will get better."

He nodded, the pair of us not fully believing that statement ourselves.

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