*:Fallen From Grace:* Leaving An Never Looking Back

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I sat huddled in the corner of my room as yelling and screaming floated around me, like a snake curling around its prey. My dull baby-blue eyes slowly glanced at the door; it was the only thing separating me from the arguing that was going on downstairs. This has been going on for a few weeks now. You'd think I had gotten used to it, but I haven't. And I knew what had caused the screaming and yelling: it was me. All because of my 'depressing mood'. It was supposedly affecting 'our family', when in reality it wasn't. My parents just wanted something to argue about. I cringed slightly when I heard something expensive getting smashed, knowing I would get blamed for it; I always did. I closed my eyes, letting the darkness engulf me, shielding me from the outside world that I didn't care about. Well, it did until I heard my door slowly open. My eyes opened as I searched for the cause of the door opening. My eyes scanned the area before they landed on my younger brother. He was peaking his head in, searching for me before his blue eyes, similar to my own, landed on me. He glanced behind him before quickly coming in the room, shutting the door in the process.

He quietly came over and sat next to me. I closed my eyes, ignoring the world. Kaiden didn't like my depressing mood either, but he dealt with it. He couldn't stand me being all depressed and everything so he did everything in his power to make me happy again, but nothing seemed to work. Yet he still tried, and I envied him for it. Cause I knew I would have gave up awhile ago. My thoughts were quickly gone as I heard my door slam open while light flooded in. My body was slammed against the wall, knocking out all of the oxygen. I clawed at the hand that was wrapped around my neck, just like a snake killing its prey. I gasped for air as my brother was thrown away from me and held back by my mother. I sent a small glare to her before my attention was brought back to the problem at hand.

"You fucking little bitch, how dare you tear apart this family!" The dark brown eyes of my father filled my vision as he tightened his hand around my throat, making black dots fill my vision. I scratched at his hand even more, trying to get him to release his strong hold, but nothing worked. Black took over my sight as I felt my body go flying through the air before hitting one of the other walls. My back smacked against it, but I felt nothing; I was used to this kind of beating, per say. I was slightly relieved when air finally made its into my lungs, letting me breathe once again. My vision returned slightly as I saw my mother take my father out of my room. He growled but complied.  He shut my door with a slam, making Kaiden flinch before he booked it over to me.

"Are you okay?" His voice was panicked as I leaned against the wall. I nodded, making him frown in return. He knew that I knew that I wasn't okay. I was never okay to begin with. It was never okay for me, wherever I went I would get made of fun of and get bullied, but I went with it, ignoring it, hoping that it would get better. But it never did. I faced, things I never should of gone through, but I had to. I had to be strong for myself and for Kaiden.

"Come on, we gotta get out of here." He helped me up as I grabbed onto my dresser for support. Once I was stable enough I looked over at him in surprise. Why did he wanna leave? He had the perfect  life here. The parents loved him, so why? He must have noticed my look as he helped me to my bed.

"I care for you Chey, I really do. An I hate seeing you get the shit beat out of you because of something you can't control." He told me, grabbing a bag from under my bed, before stuffing it with the little clothes I had. I sighed, knowing he was right. But where were we gonna go? We didn't have any relatives that knew of our situation, or friends, in my case anyway.

"And where are we going to go?" My quiet voice rang out, stopping him momentarily from packing up. He seemed in thought before he grinned.

"I know some friends that wouldn't mind helping us for a little bit." He told me, handing me my bag and skateboard. I raised a brow, what friends of his would take in a broken girl and a happy go lucky boy? None that she knew of..but then again what the hell did she know? She was just the lonely freak. Picking his own bag an skateboard up outta his room, they snuck out the window in his room. Seeing it was the only way we could get out of the house, least alive. Kaiden made sure their parents weren't in the kitchen, before beckoning me over as we ran into the woods. I didn't dare look back, and neither did Kaiden, we just kept on running. I didn't know how long we ran, and I didn't care. As long as it wasn't in that house I would be content. I didn't know how long we have been running for, and I was starting to get slightly tired. 

"Kaiden, how much farthur?" I mumbled, resting a hand on a tree, trying to catch my breath. I wasn't the most athletic person, but I was better than most. Kaiden stopped a little bit away, glancing back at me. He sighed quietly, making his way back to his sister,


"Not much farthur." Giving his older sister a slight look over, he frowned. She wasn't in a good shape. Small bruising was starting to form around her neck, and most likely on her back. Old bruises could be seen on her face, and probably all over her body. He slightly growled as he helped her sit on the floor of the forest. He could sense she was hurting, but knew she wouldn't have to suffer anymore. 

"Let's take a small break, alright?" He softly said to her, joining her on the floor. She gave him a slight smile and nodded, closing her eyes. Kaiden knew she wasn't going to make it much longer in that house, and had to think quick. He just hoped his friends wouldn't treat her like their dead beat father did. Sighing quietly, Kaiden looked over at his sister, silently watching her as she looked up at the stars. Slightly feeling someone looking at her, she looked over at Kaiden, raising a brow. Kaiden only shake his head and give her a small smile of reassurance. 

"What are your friends like?" Chey asked, a couple minutes later breaking the silence. Kaiden looked at her, thinking. How would he be able to tell her? After a few more minutes, he came up with a conclusion. 

"Well...I guess you could say they are like family. Not like ours of course, I wouldn't have that." He started, choosing his words carefully. Chey nodded her head, the hair in front of her eye moved slightly, almost like it was hiding something, not that Kaiden took notice of or knew about. 

"They're all basically really nice people, Chey. That's all you need to know." Chey eyed him slightly, knowing that he was hiding something from her, she could tell but didn't wanna pry. She would have to trust him, and hoped that he was right of his friends. Chey sighed and nodded, making Kaiden quietly sigh in relief.  He didn't like to keep anything from her, least right now. When the time was right, he would tell her. They continued to sit in the silence for a few more minutes, taking in the complete silence and comfort the night had to offer. It was so much better than the hell hole they once lived. It was complete heaven, in Chey's eyes atleast and no one could blame her. That was until Kaiden heard a slight crack of a branch a few yards away.

"I swear I heard his voice coming from this way." A guys voice rang out through the quiet forest. Kaiden narrowed his eyes slightly at the newcomer, even though he knew him. Holding a finger to his lips, his sister rolled her eyes at him but stayed quiet. 

"Sure you did." A sarcastic tone answered back, and it was a guys as well. Slowly and quietly, Kaiden had gotten up and headed towards the voices, leaving Chey all alone. Said girl laid her head against the tree bark an closed her eyes.

"Least I don't sniff people." Chey mentally rose a brow at that. Sniff people? That guy must have serious issues. 

"Will you two knock it off." Kaiden's voice rang through the forest, making Chey slightly chuckled. He could be a fighter when he needed to be, unless it was with their father. Chey slightly frowned at that. Kaiden didn't stand a chance against their father, seeing as their father was an ex-boxer. 

"Why don't you make us you blo-" The first voice began only for a hand to go over his mouth. 

"Finish that sentence and I swear, you'll have to explain to your dear brother why you have black and bruise marks all over your body." Kaiden's voice threatened lowly, making sure that his sister didn't hear them. The guy slightly gulped as the other one chuckled, before another scent caught his attention. 

"Hey, there is another person here." The other guys said, as Kaiden sighed, knowing he was caught.

"That's because it's my sister." Kaiden mumbled, "I was finally able to get her out of that hell hole." The other nodded before they started walking towards where she was.

"Then lets go get her, and get her settled." The one said, "It's about to rain anyway. Don't need you two out in it." Kaiden nodded, taking the lead from the two boys. 

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