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Sans didn't know why he was going back here....

Maybe for nostalgia?.... Or.. To remember...

Whatever the case, he came back to the old lab... Now he was in the deeper parts of it... The parts mainly connected to the core.

Sans paused, his legs honestly felt like jelly.... He coughed a bit, a low wheeze of pain escaping his mouth. His gloved hand grasped his sweator, his gloves staining with red as his bone marrow leaked out of the fresh wound on his body.

He stumbled a bit, him ending up leaning against the aged wall. His entire body was shaking with effort, tears pricking his eyesockets. Everything hurt.... Everything hurt so bad... How has he not dusted yet..? He wish he knew why....

Maybe because they kid died before they could even reach the king?... Heh, wouldn't that be ironic... Him not dying cuz the kid died...

.... He should've went to Asgore instead of the lab..... He'll probably dust here....

Why hasn't the kid reset already....? They... They usually respawn by now...

At least it'll give him a tiny break... For now.

The amalgamates were spread out from what he could tell... Some had glanced in his direction but they didn't actually do anything about his presence..

It was like they thought he was one of them or something....

At least the kid couldn't access this place. That means there are still monsters left... Even if Asgore is alright as well.. And possibly Alphys... She was nowhere to be seen though...

He should really get a move on. He could dust any second.

He grunted, pushing himself away from the wall. He felt exhausted.. But he had to continue. Especially while he still had the chance.. He stumbled forward, him panting with the effort. Faint tears fell down his face.. His body was hurting like hellfire. Yet he continued.

He ended up in front of a door. It wasn't one he recognized.. But it had to be what he was looking for. It was as if he was drawn to it..

He shakily reached forward, using both hands to pry the door opened. It took a while, especially with how weak he was, but he managed to open it big enough for him to squeeze into the room. The door now had bone marrow on it, but he didn't care at this moment. He shimmied through the opening, collapsing on the other side of it. He heaved, clutching his ribcage as pain coursed through him. That took a lot more effort than he thought it would. He took shaky breaths, a whimper escaping him.

Everything hurt...

He slowly glanced up after the pain lessened, him now checking out what was inside the room.

It was pretty empty... The walls were in rough shape, and there was wires hanging from the ceiling...

There was also a mirror... A weird looking one. It was in the center of the room, it mimicking a stand-alone mirror. It had faded golden edges, it seemingly showing the room...

Why couldn't he see his reflection...? He was kneeling right in front of it. Why was it the only thing in this room...?

...... Wait a sec.

He stood up, him hesitantly getting closer to the mirror...

The reflection of the room... It looked... Like it wasn't abandoned. Like how the lab used to look before Gaster disappeared.. How in the world...?

... This couldn't be a normal mirror...

Sans took another shaky breath, him hesitantly reaching towards the mirror. When his hand reached the glass, it went through it. The scene shimmered, as if seeing a reflection through water.

"woah...", Sans whispered in awe, head tilted slightly. Was he seriously about to do something he'll most likely regret??

... It's not like he has anything better to do.. He... He just wants this torture to end...

He nodded to himself before taking his first step through the glass.....

He ended up blacking out once he reached the other side...

(If you're wondering, you can also find this in my oneshot book 'Alternate Realities'. It's under the name '...Mirror...'. Heheh, figured this is one way for everyone to enjoy the story ^-^)

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