Then the daycare lady takes little Faruko in by the hand, leading her inside where a bunch of little children were playing with toys while some were coloring in books.

"Okay everyone!" She announced, getting the children's attention. "It's story time!"

They all gasped excitedly, dropping everything what they were doing right away as they all rushed, huddling together at the center of the room to face their caregiver.

"Okay, go ahead and sit down with the rest" the lady softly tells Faruko. She hesitated as the lady encouraged her with a smile. Faruko ended up sitting with the rest of the children around the first row, crossing her legs comfortably as they all were.

"Okay, now that we're all ready. I'm going to show two books for you to choose from. All of you must vote which one we'll be reading today okay, now.." The lady sits down on a small elementary school chair, getting two books on her hands as she showed them out to the children.

"Do you want 'A chicken's friday'?" The cover of the book showed a chicken running away from a chef. "Or 'Oscar the frog'?" The other cover of the book showed a frog smiling cutely on a lillipad with a bunch of fireflies flying around.

"Oscar the frog!" All the children voted with their hands up; except Faruko. "Aww.." one kid said from the back disappointingly.

"Okay, Oscar the frog it is!" The woman said. Before she can begin to read, she fixed her posture on the chair, clearing her throat as she opens the book, ready to begin reading off the words on page one.

"Once upon a time, there was a frog name Oscar, but Oscar wasn't always a frog.

Oscar started out as a tadpole, and had many brothers and sisters! He loved playing with them and was always happy swimming around. One day, Oscar started to grow legs, and so did all his brothers and sisters - they all have legs!"

"Ooooh!" The children said, amazed as the lady turns to the next page.

"And then they grew arms too, and their tale went away. They all grew up to be frogs!

When they all changed into frogs, Oscar was sad. Because he had to say goodbye to everyone he loved, so that they can find a new home. The pond that he was in wasn't big enough, and was beginning to dry up, so Oscar had to hop away, to look for a new home"

She turns to the next, positioning the book properly for everyone to see.

"Hopping away as he goes, he found a new home in a shoe! But it was too dark and smelly. Oscar the frog doesn't like this place, so he hops on to another.

Oscar then found a new home on a big rock! But it was too dry and hot. Oscar the frog doesn't like this place, so he hops on to another"

The page turns again.

"Finally, this is it! Oscar thought, finding a place up high on a fountain. But the birds came, and scared Oscar the frog away. Quickly, Oscar the frog hopped away!

It was getting dark, and Oscar the frog still hasn't found a place to stay. Oscar was sad, he wished he was with his brothers and sisters again. He misses them very much!"

FireFalcon - a mha x oc fanfic Where stories live. Discover now