chapter 3

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Yui woke up and realized muichiro wasnt with him yuichuro started to panic looking around for muichiro but he didnt see muichiro anywhere suddenly yuichiro hears an annoyed voice call out to him " aoi aoi look over here you little bitch !" Yuichiro looked at the crazy man but suddenly yuichiro realized that the angry man was holding the box his younger brother was in the man started stabbing the box muichiro was in yuichiro could hear his younger brothers cries yuichiro then ran towards senami and jumped up in the air and kicked him in the head and broke free from the ropes that were tied around his hand and punched senami in the balls senami dropped the box and became angrier and lunged towards yuichiro and almost cut his head off if yuichiro didnt duck yuichiro jumped over senami and landed perfectly and held the box his brother was in yui-Do not ever hurt my brother next time you do ill break youre fucking neck bitch soon he sees the girl that kicked him in the head . shinobu-ah nezuko-sama why are you here . nezuko-oh i just wanted to apologize to him im sorry for kicking you and trieing to slay for brother . nezuko then left. Uzui- why dont we just slay the demon and the boy ?. Shinobu-because i want to hear the story straight from this boys mouth . yuichiro-my family was killed and muichiro became a demon but he hasnt eaten anyone plus he woudnt be able to bite someone if he has his muzzle and plus the muzzle is ment to prevent him from biteing  people . shinobu-ok we know that he hasnt bitten anyone but has he attacked anyone like has he scratched or punch or kicked any human?hmm
Yui-No ma'ma i asure you he hasnt attacked anyone . "the master has arrived " yuichiro noticed everyone was bowing so he did to
Ubyashiki-we have reacivived a letter from one of the former hashiras . one of the girls started to read " hello i have trained yuichiro and the time when i was training yuichiro muichiro didnt bite nor attack me but he if he were to kill or attack a human  i , yuichiro , and giyuu tomioka will commit seppuku" ubyashiki-so there muichiro will not attack or kill a human
Yuichiro sighed in relief. Ubyashiki-now yuichiro some will accept muichiro but some will not . yui-me and muichiro will defeat muzan and the 12 uppermoons . ubyashiki-now now calm down yuichiro lets start off with a kizuki
~°^ thats the end of the chapter for today love you~°^
Word count = 440
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