A 'Plain' Ride: Chapter 36

Start from the beginning

'The plane is starting to ascend into a thinner atmosphere, your suit has only a few minutes of oxygen available' 

"Okay! I get it, Karen, this was a really bad idea!" Gwen yelled over the engines.  

'I would suggest holding on for only ten more minutes. The oxygen should last you if I put your suit into conservation mode' 

"Okay..." Gwen out of breath, "Do that." 

'With the physical exertion, you are undergoing, conservation mode leaves some things to be desired...such as oxygen' 

"I swear Karen! Just keep me alive, we'll argue later!" 

The next ten minutes were a hazy blur for Gwen, the lack of oxygen and the intense strain was horrible, definitely not something she would do again. Finally, Karen broke through the haze. 

'Gwen let go of the plane, you are just outside Berlin's city limits 

Gwen did so without question. She felt like taking a nap...maybe she will. Won't one nap hurt? 

 'Your vitals are plummeting, Gwen? Gwen, you need to stay conscious, this is definitely the part you need to stay conscious for!' 

Gwen's vision was going black, darkness creeping towards the center of her vision. Just one nap...

A blaring noise sounded in her ear. A very familiar noise. Her eyes sprung open. 

No! No nap! Peter needed her. 

She balanced herself, spreading out her arms and legs evenly to slow her descent. Once she was sufficiently stable she began surveying her surroundings. She was just outside of Berlin, its city lights sparkling in the night. 

"Alright Karen, get the parachute ready!" 

'Parachute deploying in 5...4...3...2...1...deploying' 

A large chute sprung from her back, catching the air and pulling her upwards roughly. 

"Agh! Ow...Okay note to self, work on the parachute deployment" Gwen exclaimed. 

She steered herself towards an empty parking lot, eventually landing quietly on the ground. 

She took a relieved breath, "Wow...I just did something straight out of Mission Impossible...how am I alive?" 

'That is a question I myself would like to know as well.'

"Alright Karen, get up the database of the building that Pete went to, get its last hour of footage. We gotta find him." 

Karen sped through the footage, something she had become quite good at. 

'Peter was last seen fighting Quentin Beck in a construction site near the building you specified...'

"Karen...what else?" 

'The footage shows him knocked through a wall to the construction site, he fights for a few more seconds and then...' 

"Karen spit it out!"

'...and then he's hit by a train' 



There was a little buzzing at the back of his head. Ticklish really. He tried to remember what had happened. He had gone to Berlin, went to see Fury, then there was Beck, and they fought. Who won? 

He tried to bring more of the memories into focus. Beck...Beck had won, controlled the landscape...the train...

'I WAS JUST HIT WITH A TRAIN!'  The realization hit him like a truck, which he honestly wished was the thing that hit him. 

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