Chapter Three - Marco

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Dealing with work is tough but that's how I am. Ruthless, arrogant and dominant. My men know better than to question me. Except Leo of course,he's my best friend and he's always been by my side. "Marco, son how's the deal with Russian's going?"my father said pulling me out of thoughts. My relationship with isn't as best as it is with my mother. He gets on my nerves sometimes because he controls me and he's dominant as I am, that's the only thing we have inx common besides the fact we love our family and we'd do anything to protect them. "Son?" he said. "Yes dad. yes. The deal was sorted, pero that fucker he's up to something" I sigh. "Well son, you have to ..." My phone rings, picking it up "Yes". Taking my care keys and standing up "Bene, saro li tra due minuti. Assicurati inoltre che nessumo dei clienti sia a conoscenza della. Situazione che si verifica di seguito . Assicurati anche il transporto anche pronto".( Good, I will be there in two minutes. Also, make sure none of the customers are aware of the situation happening below. Also, make sure the transport is also ready too).
Walking to the door"Dad, I have to go. I'll talk to you later".

Driving to the diner, this Lazoro guy better have my money. He's been giving me excuses for the past 6 months. I gave him money when needed it now he thinks he can runaway with my money without me knowing. You got another thing coming fucker. Driving faster, I get there and one of my men Marcus is waiting there for me. "È nella stranza?" walking past him. "" kicking the door open "Marcus, where is my money? And don't even think about giving those stupid excuses you've been giving me for past 6 months. "Lo sono stancò. Either pay or die, your choice"I say looking at him. "Please Mr Valentino, I don't have the money now. I promise I'll pay you back. Please just a few more weeks and I'll have all the money, please" he said. Damn, he must think I'm stupid. He's been spending money on girls now he doesn't have money to pay me back. Pulling my gun out "any last words?"I said. "PLEASE. I just need more time. I promise, please."Pulisce quel pasticcio"(clean up this mess) I says to my men walking away. Getting into my car I called my brother, Laco and Leo. Leo has been my best friend since college, he's been with me every time. Leo is arrogant and annoying but he's still my best friend. I called them to meet me at the bakery downtown. I really needed to cool off because I was definitely pissed off. Parking my car Laco and Leo are waiting outside the bakery. Entering its empty but there's a girl with back her to us. Turning around she said"it's closed" turning back around again. That voice, I've never heard it before. It's ...too sweet and angelic, it's almost as if she's not real. Her brown long waist hair, brown eyes,pink plump lips. She's perfect. Her 5'2 frame, she's got that innocent look. What the hell?. I shouldn't be thinking about her like that.

Normally I don't look at woman more than a second peró potrei guardarti tutto il giorno. What the hell. I shouldn't be thinking of her at all. I don't know her but I know one thing, I WILL MAKE HER MINE. "We'd like coffee and a muffin", Laco said. Walking to the nearest table we sat down. She walked to us slowly almost as if she was scared. Pulling out her pen and notepad "hi, my name is Emma. We are closed but can I get you something before I lock up?"she said smiling. And let me tell you her smile was something like I've never seen before she's beautiful.

Now I want her and thinking about her being with other men angers me in a way. Fuckers coming here and undressing her with they lustful eyes pisses me off. "Hi sweetheart I'll have a chocolate chip muffin and black coffee"Laco said. Turning to look at Leo "And I'll have coffee with cream and a muffin too" writing down the order. She turned her eyes at me. "And you sir?"looking at her a little more, I could see she was a little uncomfortable. "I'll have coffee. Black with 2 sugars" I say my accent deep. She hurried getting our orders before she comes back"what's going on Marco? Why you staring at her like that, man?" They both asked with knowing smiles on their faces. She came back with the orders. Still looking at her , I was unable to take my eyes off her "I'll be back to clean up shortly. Enjoy!" She said her voice almost coming out as a whisper.
"Bro what's going on? You like her , right?"Laco asked. Glaring at him I answered "no, i don't. She isn't my type" sipping coffee. Leo chuckled "so you wouldn't mind if I ask for her number?he said. "Yeah, or I could hit that?"Laco said smiling. That pissed me off "cazzò, shit the fuck up"I said . They both laughing. "Yeah pus she's got a nice ass. She's too innocent for you man but I can have her" Laco said. Glaring at him, he puts his hands up surrendering.

After talking more about business she came back to clean up the table. "How are you getting home, Emma?"I say. Looking up she says "huh?I'm sorry what?". "How are you getting home?"I repeated. "Oh , I don't think that's any of your business sir, if you don't mind I'd like to lock up now please"she said a little fiesty but politely. Standing up "Fratello, lets go"Laco says behind me moving towards the door. Ignoring him"I don't like to repeating myself" walking towards her. "I asked you a question, mi tesoro?" Taking a step back she said "I'm sorry. I'm walking home, it's just a 15 minute walk"she says looking down. Placing a finger under her chin making her look at me , her eyes are anywhere but me "look at me"still not looking at me. She was scared I could tell. "Look at me"I said again, she's making me repeat myself and I hate it. Turning her face to look at me. She finally did with tears swimming around her eyes"I hate repeating myself, mi tesoro. So do not make me, okay?" Looking at her. She nods,"use you mouth"damn those lips "okay" she whispers.
"Now your gonna be a good girl and finish up. I'll wait for you"I said taking a step back. Walking to my seat. "Cazzò Marco. Lui è perfetto but let's go" Laco said. Looking at I said"No. Leave I'll meet you back at home". Staring at her still standing. "Okay, just don't do anything irrational". I nod not looking to him. After they left she looked down playing with her fingers "please leave. I'll go home safely. I promise. I need to lock up now" her voice coming out as a whisper. I chose not to say anything. She comes back a minute later with her bag, picking up her keys she walks to the door not waiting for me. She's testing me. Walking to her her phone rings. Who the hell is Josh?. This is what I'm talking about. "Hey Josh, you good?"she says sweetly. Yeah, I know. I've been busy"she says smiling. Who the fuck is making her smile like that. "Good. I miss you"she giggles. "Love you too, bye" putting her phone away. "Who was that? I say my voice deep. Turning around " who was that, tesoro? Don't make me repeat myself" I said standing dangerously close to her. "I...uh... That was Josh" she says taking a step back her back hitting the door. I take a step further to her "who is he? Is he your boyfriend, huh?"she looked down.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Jul 19, 2021 ⏰

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