Looks and glances

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The train ride was most pleasant. Since they were starting eight year, Ron and Hermione was no longer prefekt's. And that meant they could stay in the compartment the hole time! And with that, Harry sat down on one of the seats with both Ron and Hermione's worried stares oh him. But he simply grinned at them and stared out the window, watching the landscape change again and again before his eyes.

              ~Ron's POV, third person~

He stared at Harry in disbelief. He had been sure that his best mate, the boy who lived, would be miserable to the point of jumping from a plane. Not that he was upset that Harry wasn't sad, he was just amazed. He had lost so many people he loved to you-know-who and had probably, if Ron new Harry, had nightmares every night were he re lived those moments of terror from the battle.
But in front of him sat a boy looking out of the window, with an almost love struck smile on his face. What in the name of Merlin could bring Harry James Potter to look like he was in love with the window?!
He looked at Hermione and saw the same face he probably wore on her face. She was obviously thinking in the same lines he were.

           ~Harry's POV, third person~

He didn't talk the whole train ride. In the morning he had had no time to lay any brain power on the dream. But now, it was the only thing he could think about. He had never been in love but those eyes, silver and mysterious. Oh how he wanted to look into them forever. And how he wanted them to look back at him with the same loving look. He didn't even care that his two best friends were probably thinking hard on what too say to get him to listen and participate in their conversation.
"Honestly Harry what is up with you today mate?" Ron asked. Harry could hear the worry in his voice but he didn't care."Nothing I'm fine!"

The Hogwarts express arrived a while after and they quickly got out. After a quick look around, Harry noticed that almost everyone that had survived the war was back. Except from Slytherins, of course. He had expected that most of the now eighth years parents would draw back. Not allowing their children near any of the...eh whatever, he thought.

Harry, Ron and Hermione took a carriage for their own. The silence was thick and very uncomfortable. Harry moved slightly and Ron who sat beside him, did the same. After a while, the carriages stoped and they all got out. Harry took a quick glance at the thestral who had taken him there. A memory of him riding on one of them came in to his mind and he smiled slightly.
When they walked up to the castle Harry felt someone look at him from the back. He got this feeling someone was eyeing him. He looked over his shoulder and saw Malfoy looking at him. But when when the pale boy saw the raven haired boy staring, he quickly looked away.

~Draco's POV, third person~

Green eyes. So very green. Where had he seen them before? His dreams had shown him them just one time but he new he was in love. And since he was gay, they had to belong to a boy. And in the name of Malfoy, he was going to figure out who they belonged to.

Walking through the castle gates his eyes lingered on the back of a certain raven haired boy. Didn't Potter have green eyes? Well even if he had it couldn't be him anyway.
Potter suddenly looked at him. Draco swallowed. He was hot, and had - much to Draco's preference - grown about three inches over the summer. Wait what was he thinking?
He looked away when a small blush covered his cheeks. Before anyone could question him, he started a conversation with Blaise who walked beside him. The crystal orbs that hunted his dreams could wait. At least until the night.


Draco walked in to the great hall and sat down at the Slytherin table as always. Blaise and Pansy sat down on the other side, facing him. But just seconds after they had started talking, professor McGonagall walked over to them. Draco thought she looked a lot older now, even though he has seen her only a few months ago "Mr Malfoy, Mr Zabini and Mrs Parkinson, as eight years, you are to sit at the eight year table in the middle, kindly move now". They looked at each other."We didn't know there was a new table, professor" said Draco in a more sincere voice that he would have liked."Highly understandable, follow me" She said and turned. The four three teens went up and walked after the Gryffindor head of House.
As they walked to the front of the hall, Draco noticed the smaller table that was now placed after the normal house tables. Some other eight years were already there. Finnigan, Longbottom, Finch-Fletchley, Hanna abbot, Susan Bones, Terry Boot, the two Patil twins and lastly, the golden trio.

Potter, Weasly and Granger sat at the end of the table. Honestly, Draco was surprised that potter didn't just apply for minister of magic straight away. Why waste time getting an education when he is bound to get there in the end. Not that Draco wanted stinky old pottah for minister, but after the whole battle and defeating you-know-who...

Ah well.

When Draco's thoughts had wondered, he had stopped. Now, that had resulted in Blaise and pansy to walk forwards and seating themself at the table. The only place left was beside Potter. Draco sighed. He took a few, long strides and sat down. He sneaked a quick glance over at the raven-haired boy on the right side of him, only to finding him already watching him, but quickly looked away when their eyes met.

Draco waited for Potter to insult him, to call him a son of a death eater and humiliate him in the process. But that never came. Strange, thought Draco. But he mirrored the golden boy and didn't say a word. Little did he know that all these 10 seconds, his and potters four friends was looking at them, and smirking.


So how was that? If someone read this, please leave a comment. I will try to write more!


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⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Jun 21, 2022 ⏰

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