Rebel girl - 1

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A tall person decked in a black suit strutted around their office in sheer panic and stress. Their secretary had booked an important meeting with a huge client yet the person had only recently come to realise that their daughter's babysitter cancelled that day. They decided to immediately call a few people.

"Listen, I know I've asked a lot of you but I have a very important meeting. Can you babysit for me?" They spoke in a British accent (A rather southern, posh accent) and got straight to the point, as always.

Whoever was on the other side of the line sighed then an indistinct reply came back. The person grinned slightly before hanging up and texting the details of the babysitting to the woman on the phone. Afterwards, the person grabbed their black jacket, which had been discarded on a chair, and left their office. Their secretary bid goodbye to them as they sauntered past and out of the building.

They were met with the black night sky and murky weather. Unfortunately, they didn't bring their umbrella with them today. Instead, they half-heartedly put one hand over their head and the other in their pocket as they made their way back to their house. 

"M!" A little voice yelled out as soon as the person stepped through the front door. Then, a girl around 4 years old jumped into the person's arms and clung to them like a monkey.

"Hi princess. Did you have lots of fun today?" The person's face softened as they spoke to the child.

"I made a dinosaur! Look!" The tiny girl brandished a papier mache dinosaur from behind her back. It was messily painted a vibrant green with multiple blank patches still visible, it had three huge orange spikes made out of clay on its back yet they were all wonky and misshapen, and it had broken popsicle sticks for legs which stuck out in every direction. To finish it off, two googly eyes were slapped on, one drooping down the side of the dinosaur's face and the other in the middle of it's forehead.

"Oh wow! It's amazing. I think it deserves to go on the mantelpiece, don't you?" The person gently picked up the dinosaur as the toddler bounced up and down excitedly. She then watched as her parent placed her creation on the mantelpiece, directly in the middle for everyone to see. However, despite her previous hyper state, she began to rub her eyes and yawn.

The person gently scooped up the child and made their way upstairs to the child's room. To put the girl to sleep, they tucked her in tightly, kissed her forehead before saying a sickly sweet 'goodnight' and leaving the room, shutting the door behind them.


The next day, the aforementioned tall person was sat in their leather chair in their office, waiting for their possible client to arrive. They sat in silence, pondering everything and anything, before they were brought out of their trance when their secretary entered the room with an old man dressed in all white. The person stood up out of respect and made their way to greet the man.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, sir. You may call me M Evans." M held out their hand for the man to shake, which he gladly took and firmly shook.

"John Hammond." M led them over to their desk and offered John a seat. He sat down with a huff and rested his hands on his amber tipped cane. "Look, I'll get to the point. I like you. I can just tell instantly about a person. It's a gift. I own an island. Off the coast of Costa Rica. I've leased it from the government, and spent the last five years setting up a kind of biological preserve. Really spectacular, spared no expense!"

M was now very confused. What did this have to do with them? They folded their legs over one another as he continued.

"We're set to open next year to the public. However, my investors say I need some sort of outside opinion. Now that's where you come in." M was now extremely intrigued. "This is up your alley, considering your past education. I've got a jet on standby. How about you come down for the weekend?"

Cherry Bomb (Ian Malcolm x unnamed character)Where stories live. Discover now