Untitled Part 1

32 1 4

: PrologueChapter Text

It was Hyejoo's birthday and they were coming back from school. The sunset was colouring the sky with purple and pink shades, it was beautiful. The girls were holding hands with their fingers intertwined, Yerim had a huge grin on her face and suddenly stopped when they were close to a park.

"Hyejoo, wait a second, let's take a photo here, the sky is so pretty." Yerim said while she looked for her phone at her bag, not letting go of Hyejoo's hand for any second.

"Yerim! My mom is waiting for us, we need to go fast." Hyejoo complained but went to her friend's side, she smiled to the photo and took a deep breath when they were analysing the photo.

"See? It looks so beautiful." Said the smaller while she gave the phone to Hyejoo waiting for a reaction.

"Yeah, but you look way prettier than the sky." Hyejoo smiled and gave the phone back while she took Yerim's hand and went back to walk. "Now let's go, we can't be later!"

This was probably the first time Yerim noticed, the first time she could completely comprehend why her heart felt bigger and why she always had butterflies on her stomach while she was near her best friend, she was clearly liking Hyejoo... Or was she in love with her best friend? Either way, the realization of it made her froze, she wouldn't dare put their friendship in risk for nothing.

Yerim would protect this with everything she could, even if it means she would need to stop loving the other, she didn't even know if this was possible, but she would try her best, always.

Hours later during the same day, Hyejoo was trying to understand why her heart was beating fast while a sleepy Yerim was lied next to her, they've got a lot of sleepovers along these years, why she was so nervous? She didn't understand back then, but something told her she would, and soon.

One year had gone since Hyejoo was starting to feel her heart beat faster and faster when she was near the girl with the most beautiful smile whe ever saw, and she only understood what it means when she bought a new girl to sit with them during lunch.

"Hye, look!" She smiled and waved to the girl who was already at their table "This is Yeojin, she's new in the city." Yerim proceed to point to a girl way smile next to her.

"Oh, so you are Hyejoo?" The little gremlin said sitting at the table "I was expecting someone more pretty from what Yerim said." The girl gave a little smile, it was clear in her eyes she was trying to tease Hyejoo.

"Hm.. Excuse me?" Hyejoo said looking to both of them, she could see Yerim cheeks a little red, but.. why? She didn't knew.

"Ya, Yeojin I said to be nice," Yerim bumped her shoulders with Yeojin "We are gonna be like.. like the three mosketers now, it sounds amazing right?" She gave a grin, the one Hyejoo loved so much, it was brighter than the sun.

"Yeah.. Right, we could try." The dark haired girl smiled back, she always did, she would always be on her best mood for Yerim, then she looked back at Yeojin and held out her hand "it's very nice to meet you, I never saw a hobbit" she teased the girl back.

"I- What is this? I'm having lunch with a bunch of nerds?" She put Hyejoo hand away and looked to Yerim "Is this how you pretend to kill me?" The new girl was dramatic, Yerim was looking to their interactions while she smiled, she liked how it was going, Hyejoo needed another person to annoy her.

And it went very good, the three girls had a huge friendship, at least for the first two months, well... until Yeojin asked Yerim out, and until they started to date, it was horrible.

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